Level 45
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he was very fair, tnx
Acis55 on Friday August 20, 2010
Stupid piece of shit !!!
bigjeffo on Thursday August 19, 2010
A pleasure playing with him.. We truced to win an amazing 2vs4 game ..
pariah123 on Friday August 13, 2010
Honourable player.
Rowen on Tuesday August 10, 2010
LifeArrow on Friday August 6, 2010
stupid us player that no respect people be careful kill him asap
dirtyrolls on Thursday August 5, 2010
fair player
peaceful on Tuesday August 3, 2010
Does not accept flags.
WhatsHerFace2468 on Sunday August 1, 2010
PGA with DeanVenture
akwroc on Monday July 26, 2010
Flagged to him and yellow. Everyone else flagged to me. He sat there all game watching green (should have been 5th place) whine about wanting yellow to kill me so green could be 4th. Instead of finishing green off to end the game, he ignored my 3 flag and killed me because he was indecisive and a shitty table leader. This guy is an asshole. Do not trust him.
Barnaby red with on Thursday July 15, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary