Level 45
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Who'sNutz?: stfu bitch EddyB: are we calling our roll? DeanVenture: and I don't cry what_up23: always Who'sNutz?: quit interrupting another table moulue: fight? what_up23: i was moving to you franklyghost: i have time up to purp Who'sNutz?: no..you dont cry you truce in round 1 moulue: unless both of you insist on rolling Who'sNutz?: witha player away Who'sNutz?: you cunt DeanVenture: (look who is interrupting) EddyB: gonna be a long fight franklyghost: then let us see an epic fight Who'sNutz?: ok matthew sheppard moulue: all or nothing moulue: for eddy DeanVenture: what a horrible thing to say nutz DeanVenture: stay classy ... Who'sNutz?: dean...why dont you just stfu b4 i hunt you down and beat the shit out of you Who'sNutz?: for being an online cunt what_up23: island expansions are annoying DeanVenture: need my address? Who'sNutz?: yes Who'sNutz?: i do Dabee: Dean don't call me friend pls Who'sNutz?: please EddyB: was annoying for me also, cause i gave 8 dice away down there Dabee: you are as shit as all of those players you hated Who'sNutz?: maybe i let you blow me before i beat the shit out of you...then i can buy you a beer when you wake up
DeanVenture on Friday January 18, 2013
Friendly guy, more cowbell please
Created on Sunday January 13, 2013
Confirmed point-buyer. I watched his points immediately shoot to 2,500 after the start of the new month. Sickening.
Disalbed Child on Tuesday January 1, 2013
really fair player, nice to play with! Sorry for my indecision, you deserved more than 5th! I'll remember your trustable kind of playing, stay the way you are! :)
Katse on Friday December 21, 2012
fair, good and honourable player, nice to play with you dean
burcin on Monday December 17, 2012
Point-desperate. 2v1s for a difference of ~300.
InvalidComponent on Sunday December 16, 2012
at times too nice, which effects his game. all in all good guy.
zumo on Sunday December 16, 2012
a pleasure to play with: Dean is a good player, trustable, friendly..and talkative - as long as he was talking to me...Dean - I dont know why you stopped though, just the fact you did..maybe tell me the reason some day.....
Mrs. M on Wednesday December 12, 2012
very fair and honorable player
emrahokla on Tuesday December 4, 2012
Honourable player and very nice guy
MATAAHRI on Saturday December 1, 2012
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary