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Replies 1 - 7 of 7
DeanVenture wrote
at 8:39 PM, Wednesday January 9, 2013 EST
Some player steps into first member's tourney with me after not playing the evening tourney for months. And that player assumed so much about me, "calling me a noob" etc. My intent was to finish out plays so I can move on to non-kdice activities, just wanted get paid and move on. Not go into some long self-important one-way conversation by this player. Get over yourself. Don't get butthurt because you couldn't do your "tourney strategy" and unseat me. Yes it usually works but when it doesn't don't resort to insults. Yes you played for years and have "something to teach" but seriously ... I know this is your life so I try to not to ruin the little joy you have in your life, but can't we just sit and play the board as it plays out without using chat to show all your badges and try to insult me? Nothing insults me. You want to play tourney strategy against me as leader of the pts, do that, won't be the first time I had it done and I don't get butthurt. Talk trash in chat? Really you think I haven't heard it all? Insult my lack of care for tourney strategy, cry that I took a 1 stack? Seriously I understand the slight damage I did to your game, but it was a cog in the wheel and you had the win no matter what it was up to your skill and luck, not my flagging out. Playing a martyr when you have the win and still fail to gain higher ranking is just you pissed at not succeeding, considering I was in ineffectual spots and was the target I don't see how I am the bad guy. Nor did I ever insult you. So yeah please try to consider it was 4 tables out of maybe 4 that we ever played together so maybe you have more to see before you complain about my actions. As far as me asking why _Baldur_ would initiate tourney strategy against me, that was a why would you after flagging 6th and flagging me when I could just as easily kill him. It was a question of why do you think you can succeed, not "omg I am stupid please explain." Again calm down and think about it, yes its good you think you are so super smart, but that doesn't make everyone around you dumb.
Ugly avatar wrote
at 7:39 PM, Monday December 17, 2012 EST
Dean, I'm saying this as a friend. You need to relax. I'm in the same position as you right now and I see the cheating against me happen exactly like it happens to you. But this isn't only a dice game, this is a social game too. I started out with reacting very openly about what I saw and told people that it was wrong. And I still believe that this pga'ing is destroying this community from within and if I could stop it I would. But I also realized that every player that came in needed to make friends and that they didn't come by complaining about the system. So I decided to just shut up, smile and take it (when it comes to pga's). I notice that people are starting to be friendly to me and that it works. So when your frustrated with the game just turn it off instead of making more pge's. I hope you dont take this the wrong way, I'm just saying this because I know how you feel. ps. this is also a very crappy site so dont expect change. I'm kinda thinking about playing at that new site but it will prob be the same shit.
DeanVenture wrote
at 11:49 PM, Sunday December 16, 2012 EST
Nobody speaks up against the Pre-Game Alliances that are blatant in the tournaments. Sunday slam and others are a complete waste of time for players who are skilled at the game but aren't considered friends of the the players looking out for each other. You must know the top players so they will guarantee spots for each other. And then they have the nerve to say that this is how the game is played. That there is no other way. I was told that the only way to win at this game was to make friends and ensure the same thing happens, by one of these pga-ers. So all of your points and trophies are gotten from other people helping you secure top positions in tourneys. Anybody who speaks up is told to shut up and stop complaining.
DeanVenture wrote
at 1:30 PM, Saturday December 8, 2012 EST
Nothing has changed since I last quit playing. Nothing gets fixed as far as people signing up who know how to game the system and stab through tourneys. Small changes in the system would fix this such as when flags are demanded and players either have no way to flag at the time or have to wait, giving them a chance to stab. With such small contested land an aggressive push to ask show them you mean business usually ends up causing a chat fight needlessly and the cycle repeats. It is a complete waste of time to play tourneys and find out all to late of PGA's and PGE's and dishonorable players. Everyone just throws there hands up in the air when discussing it. Meanwhile people pay to play this game... So yeah, was great getting to know those I played with the past 2 months. I gots better things to do and because there is no recourse any of the people who enjoy playing, I can't abide by spending time on here. Good luck all, lots of great people on here. Laters.
DeanVenture wrote
at 3:20 PM, Saturday November 20, 2010 EST
So many people turn a blind eye to ninjas, pga friends, and those that backstab, please stand up for yourself and others. (at least when it matters)
DeanVenture wrote
at 12:54 AM, Saturday November 20, 2010 EST
Sick of all the trash talking players who are the first to cut you even when they are desperately last in the match, and then run their mouth when you speak their mind. Grow up and take your medicine, I take my fair share of unfair stacks and un-winnable tables, I DO NOT see how you feel you can run your mouth when I never started any beef. GROW UP.
DeanVenture wrote
at 12:08 AM, Saturday November 20, 2010 EST
DeanVenture's turn Bellagion defeated 4v8, 24 to 23, (6,6,6,6 to 2,2,3,4,4,2,1,5) +2 dice
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