Level 45
to level 46 |
DeanVentureAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. nice and fair player.
papito1900 on Friday November 5, 2010 fuck you backstabber..
first flag , then atack asshole ..
dziastis on Wednesday November 3, 2010 Decent player, you can count on him
poli24 on Wednesday October 20, 2010 crybaby, also doesn't respect flags. be warned
DrunkDaShiVa on Friday October 1, 2010 whiner
ultra-tomba on Thursday September 30, 2010 flaged him and he kept attacking me so i attacked him then when i beat him he started crying that i was a backstabber
bluff or not? on Tuesday September 28, 2010 dumbass
pahite on Sunday September 26, 2010 pga bastard with DeanVenture
abdulahamd on Saturday September 11, 2010 quit whining about the game. act your damn age, 32 going on 12 imo. i can tell u know how to play but gawd man. chill out; u remind me of me when i get ticked, just remember its a game and 1st does makes alot of important decisions.
pooch723 on Saturday September 4, 2010 Terrible Kdicer. Will not respect flags despite v-flag or posted flag. 32 Year old playing a 13 year old's game. Grow up a little bit.
schmack on Saturday August 21, 2010 |