Level 93
to level 94 |
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MISSION 6 on Saturday January 17, 2009 Great and honest player!
lexx on Thursday January 15, 2009 great player...fair and knows how to win
Easy A on Wednesday January 14, 2009 as welcome as a turd on a billiard table
DJCrowther on Saturday January 3, 2009 My personal prophet. ;)
Äkäkäkäkä! on Thursday January 1, 2009 seems like he plays a fair game
odradek on Thursday January 1, 2009 good player
Cloud7 on Tuesday December 30, 2008 Great player.
He always keep his words.
stakaboo on Monday December 29, 2008 does not respect flags, PGA's. plays with allies. BEWARE.
unkLe on Monday December 15, 2008 I enjoyed playing with this guy. Respected my flag and let lower players fight for their position. In short, I do not pity this foo!
jwmba on Saturday December 6, 2008 |