Level 93
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Untrustworthy :( - killed me before an away. and in another game betrayed me after an 'i'm cool'.... why didn't i learn my lesson the first time?
Gabble on Thursday March 26, 2009
Trustworthy :)
bompy on Tuesday March 24, 2009
This brainless bastard got no honor... what a sorry retard... he already got 2nd and backstabed me when I was fighting for third... Sold honor for 3 points from domination.. no words for such manners...
Known2Own on Saturday March 14, 2009
Shitty player, plays with NO honor whatsoever
gvxc on Tuesday March 3, 2009
Thanks for the friendly post. No hard feelings.
Pat Whalen on Wednesday February 25, 2009
yet another kid with asshole stamped on his forhead.
jumpleads on Wednesday February 18, 2009
Well he said he'll flag to me, later he was offered to backstab me for 1st place, but he played honourable and flagged 2nd. You can trust him.
Ivan01 on Wednesday February 18, 2009
let's people fight it out eventhough it hurt his dom - respect him -
panzer on Thursday February 12, 2009
A man of his words,not wonder he got so many trophies!! he said he would flag to me, then stick to the end of the game, even there is another one becomes first.
Strogatz on Sunday February 8, 2009
dirty filthy scum, was been in PGA with two more players dirty filthy ugly bitch, I wish you die in agony!!
ceban on Monday January 19, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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