Level 93
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No cool guy. He flagged (3rd) to me, and when I lost the war for 1st, I flagged 2nd, and then this guy eliminated me (I finished 4). NEVER THRUST HIS FLAGS !!!
MacCoy on Saturday December 6, 2008
Ironically, the last table of November, I helped you reach the top 100 (and I took third), and then the first game of December I played at your table and took third.
snmlmz on Monday December 1, 2008
very close, gee we're good 2 u in helping u make the top 100, lol. Good bloke too
beerdead_gooch on Monday December 1, 2008
Doesnt respect flags!!!!!!
Stupid Monkey on Wednesday November 26, 2008
A bit of an attitude problem.
DON5ID2 on Thursday November 6, 2008
Bit of a whiner to be honest.
Jitterbug on Tuesday October 28, 2008
good player , my respect
/wanted on Tuesday October 28, 2008
The story was about a pirate named Ziggy Boom.
rummelx on Friday October 24, 2008
Pissed me off earlier, but has played very well as of late when I've played with him. Tactical player.
macguyver on Tuesday October 14, 2008
nice player
seçkin on Wednesday October 8, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
Online Pictionary