
Rileyhemp wrote
at 8:16 PM, Wednesday November 26, 2014 EST
How is it ok for one dude to log into a proxy and play 4 accounts at once?

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Slinus wrote
at 8:52 AM, Monday December 1, 2014 EST
"BDK, you are being considered for de-modding too :P"

lol, burned.
BigDaddyKane wrote
at 10:08 AM, Monday December 1, 2014 EST
Not burned... smoked! lol

I was thinking about de-modding Jurg for all of December. Ali and I got this. Community thoughts?
Gurgi wrote
at 11:09 AM, Monday December 1, 2014 EST
"and is just a big troll response.

p.s. Is English your native language?"

calling someone a troll and then trolling less than a second after. Rood.

Rowdy wasn't even trolling and deals with issues at his tables instead of looking for issues. He actively wants to make the community a better place instead of awkwardly trying to put his nose into every situation he can find.

(no that was not a gay joke)
at 3:32 PM, Monday December 1, 2014 EST
^^ That's the point. It's unnecessary, particularly from a mod and particularly from a mod who says he wants an open discussion and hates troll offs.

My only hope is that jurgen actually sticks with his gut and doesn't go with the "one final chance" he usually does. There have been several contentious situations involving BDK where he should have re evaluated his demeanor. He hasn't, he eventually weasels his way out of his initial "hard stance" and says he will take the feedback on board, but we always end up in the same place. From this thread alone, this is the ledger of people who agree with him vs people who disagree and would most likely be happy with his de modding:

chiefKeef - perennial troll so no surprises there
getting_revolt - said he was playing devils advocate

Louis Cypher
{A}Monkey SLayer
Gurgi wrote
at 3:42 PM, Monday December 1, 2014 EST
my honest opinion is that, since Jurgen feels like he will be better in the future, is to make BDK when Jurgen thinks he is ready to be a mod. No reason to mod someone who isn't qualified yet imo.

I think he needs to be ready emotionally and mentally, not just better at judgement calls.

in addition, he is somewhat immature as well joking about banning everything and everyone, makes it appear that he just wants everyone to know he has power

BUT, I also wouldn't disagree with Jurgen if he believes he knows best. It's not something we can make list about, let this be his thing, not ours.
at 4:05 PM, Monday December 1, 2014 EST
Yes, I agree. There has been a big push to get players back to this site though and I think having good moderators plays a big part. Good to me means ready and available to help (tick), having the ability to take feedback from peers / the community (cross), the ability to separate yourself from situations and be impartial (huge cross). It's not rocket science, there are only two rules.

I know jurgen has a tendency to give people the benefit of the doubt over and over and over again, but I don't see it changing because his attitude hasn't changed at all this past 3 months. This is in spite of all the conjecture which constantly surrounds his moderating. I don't see anyone respectable standing up in support of BDK either.

From the original post where people were debating BDK's attitude:

Slinus wrote
at 5:21 PM, Tuesday September 2, 2014 CDT
I didn't.
Your hubris and arrogance in everything you say and do is so annyoing, man. Come off your high horse some time. BDK, you are intelligent, a decent player and only want the best for this site I'm sure, but is the way you talk to other people really how you go through life or is it just trolling to make them mad?

BigDaddyKane wrote
at 4:42 PM, Wednesday September 3, 2014 CDT
And here be the land of which I grow my fucks, as you can see, it is barren.

BigDaddyKane wrote
at 9:09 PM, Wednesday September 3, 2014 CDT
And, Ali, who left the bag of idiots open? Seems like it is hunting season. I'm in.

Has anyone seen an improvement on this?
BigDaddyKane wrote
at 4:39 PM, Monday December 1, 2014 EST
KDice brings out the worst in everyone, me included. My long-term plan is/was to be super firm in the beginning then taper off. I don't want the mod community to be pushed around, but I DEFINITELY don't want it to be dictatorial.

I have always listened to your feedback, Gurgi. I do like the banter we have though.

I'm far from power hungry. I have plenty of "power" in my real life, kdice is not the source of my "power" lol.

Anyway, I came wanting to build a quick presence then somewhat sort of fade out so I can act the way I am in real life. I figured if I wash harsh in the beginning, me simply going to other tables would make people not cheat.

I hear the feedback from the community (well the ones that read the forums), and will let off.

p.s. Gurgi, I would love to meet you IRL. We would be good friends.
at 4:46 PM, Monday December 1, 2014 EST
Called it.
Rowdyazell wrote
at 5:01 PM, Monday December 1, 2014 EST
So, I find it confusing that you attach another Moderator for stating his opinion? Why attack someone who wants the same for this community that you do? I have done nothing but support your appointment as a moderator and then, when I express my opinion that differs from yours, you make personal attacks against me. You don't like it when people do it to you so please treat others as you would like to be treated.
As for me being active... It seems strange that the strategy you laid out is the same one that I took and yet I get called out for it. That seems odd.
BigDaddyKane wrote
at 5:35 PM, Monday December 1, 2014 EST
Rowdy, please re-read my earlier post. I wanted to come out strong then taper off. I've been in the taper off mode for about 5 days, so no wonder you didn't catch it.
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