
Rileyhemp wrote
at 8:16 PM, Wednesday November 26, 2014 EST
How is it ok for one dude to log into a proxy and play 4 accounts at once?

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montecarlo wrote
at 7:35 PM, Sunday November 30, 2014 EST
I thought the precedent was set like 6 years ago by Ryan himself that team games aren't cool. Then it was repeated like 4 years ago, team games are bannable. Then a couple years ago, again, banworthy. It sucks, yes, but Ryan has been clear that until he codes for team games, they aren't ok with him.

Also, I think it's laughable that any mod ever would try to defend known proxying with the argument of "let's have a discussion". Discussions have already been had, dozens of times, and rarely, hardly ever, is a new official rule made. For Ryan himself to go into his html and create a mere TWO total rules to the game... that is the end of discussion. Bdk, if you want to discuss, just talk with Ryan. Don't try to act like you know better than him.
BigDaddyKane wrote
at 8:20 PM, Sunday November 30, 2014 EST
Good point. I appreciate you chiming in.

I never tried to act like I know better than him.

As an ancillary point, developers most of the time don't know what is best for their product. Actually, there are many books written about this. But that topic is moot.
Rowdyazell wrote
at 12:20 AM, Monday December 1, 2014 EST
This is such a sad day. When did the rules written on the in the RULES section ever come up for discussion
Game-to-game favors or alliances are not allowed
Play only one account at a time

Why does this matter to me anymore... Because even though I don't play on the top tables anymore I still find this site enjoyable. While I don't ban people for what others think is hate language I still do moderate this site. If you cannot enforce the clear rules then how can you even begin to enforce ones that are grey. I know I have been called an idiot, moron, stupid, childish and other wonderful things for decisions that I have made. I still stand by everyone because that is what I was asked to do. You have to think of every decision that you make and what effect it will have on the entire community. However, there has to be some standards. Until the guy who makes the rules changes the rules I will continue to enforce the rules that I have been given community discussion or not. If we allow PGA or Proxy becuase its fun you ruin the game as it was designed. How do you attract players to a site that does not even enforce the rules that posted and You want to have a discussion about how the rules should be enforced make sure you include everyone that still enforces the rules.
Rowdyazell wrote
at 12:20 AM, Monday December 1, 2014 EST
This is such a sad day. When did the rules written on the in the RULES section ever come up for discussion
Game-to-game favors or alliances are not allowed
Play only one account at a time

Why does this matter to me anymore... Because even though I don't play on the top tables anymore I still find this site enjoyable. While I don't ban people for what others think is hate language I still do moderate this site. If you cannot enforce the clear rules then how can you even begin to enforce ones that are grey. I know I have been called an idiot, moron, stupid, childish and other wonderful things for decisions that I have made. I still stand by everyone because that is what I was asked to do. You have to think of every decision that you make and what effect it will have on the entire community. However, there has to be some standards. Until the guy who makes the rules changes the rules I will continue to enforce the rules that I have been given community discussion or not. If we allow PGA or Proxy becuase its fun you ruin the game as it was designed. How do you attract players to a site that does not even enforce the rules that posted and You want to have a discussion about how the rules should be enforced make sure you include everyone that still enforces the rules.
chiefKeef wrote
at 12:54 AM, Monday December 1, 2014 EST
rowdy is just butthurt that BDK has been engaging the kdice community more in 3 months than he has since 2007
BigDaddyKane wrote
at 3:51 AM, Monday December 1, 2014 EST
First off, you don't enforce the rules, rowdy, so don't lie. Secondly, you can't even enforce rules that are black and white, you have failed to do so since I have known this site.

It's funny how much shit I get for something that lasted an ENTIRE couple games. Man, I really wrecked this site.

Lastly, you are being considered for de-modding, a move I support since you are not active and your judgement can't be trusted due to lack of intellectual horsepower.

Your post adds no value, input, or advice and is just a big troll response.

p.s. Is English your native language?
jurgen wrote
at 4:00 AM, Monday December 1, 2014 EST
BDK, you are being considered for de-modding too :P
at 4:15 AM, Monday December 1, 2014 EST
Why do you always have to finish with a condescending remark?

It's either a discussion and people are free to disagree with you, or it's a directive.

For the most part everyone has actually replied on topic and you keep taking it off topic with your insults and wise cracks.

Not everyone has to agree with you. You aren't always right. You don't have to win every argument. If you can admit fault once in a while this place will be better for everyone. Before you jump all over me or try to cut me down, just consider the feedback - regardless of who it is coming from.
Gauntlet15 wrote
at 5:34 AM, Monday December 1, 2014 EST
+1 Jurgen
Gurgi wrote
at 5:58 AM, Monday December 1, 2014 EST
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
Online Pictionary