
Rileyhemp wrote
at 8:16 PM, Wednesday November 26, 2014 EST
How is it ok for one dude to log into a proxy and play 4 accounts at once?

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BigDaddyKane wrote
at 6:35 PM, Saturday November 29, 2014 EST
I know you dont like me monkey, but this is not the best approach you should take. Thrill actually came at me in a more intelligent manner.
{A}Monkey SLayer wrote
at 7:04 PM, Saturday November 29, 2014 EST
And yet you do not address his arguments and instead resort to a completely ridiculous and transparent accusation of hate speech and insulting him. I'm not trying to "approach" you as you are obviously entirely unfit for your position, I'm petitioning to have your modding rights removed.
chiefKeef wrote
at 11:27 PM, Saturday November 29, 2014 EST
I think BDK's doing a pretty good job overall and shouldn't be judged on what you perceive as a misstep
Gurgi wrote
at 11:57 AM, Sunday November 30, 2014 EST
Rileyhemp wrote
at 1:35 PM, Sunday November 30, 2014 EST
He did say that the mods had talked about the PGA accounts and decided to let them be, which turned out to be false based on what jurgan was saying. I don't have a lot of prior knowlage of his job as a moderator but lying about the mods being ok with it is a pretty big red flag. Also taking up 50% of the thread with a petty argument about who said what is pretty childish.
at 2:46 PM, Sunday November 30, 2014 EST
Yup, childish.

It always seems like his number one concern is winning every argument, and the dumb part is he starts the vast majority of them. He has always had a shitty holier than thou attitude and it's not what this site needs. He derailed his own "discussion" by harping on and on and on about a ridiculous accusation he and everyone else knows to be ridiculous. If you try to have a legitimate discussion it just gets bogged down with petty bullshit, and then he has the gall to say he hates people having flame wars and troll offs.

I (and others) thought his ego would not be suited to being a moderator at the very beginning. How many times does he have to prove it? No surprise that the only support has come from chiefkeef, the perennial troll.
BigDaddyKane wrote
at 4:05 PM, Sunday November 30, 2014 EST
I was also surprised with Keef's comment. I have only moderated this site for 3 months and I'm getting better at it, please have patience.

Riley, don't twist my words around. I remember about 1-2 years ago the mods talking about the "PGA X" accounts in the forum (I still can't find the post) and saying it was obvious enough to be allowed. I have taken a hard stance against PGA / Hardcore OTF on this site, so I don't see how anyone can claim I don't stand up against it. It was made obvious in chat what was going on before the game even started. The other mods were not online at that time to discuss the situation (I'm glad they have a life outside of kdice) so I did allow it which was my mistake, in retrospect (go ahead and copy and paste this, Thrill), and simply wanted feedback from the players that were there (which is why I didn't immediately ban it, because they were having fun playing team games) and the kdice community.

I have tried to take a hard stance as a moderator of this site to make sure people don't push me around. There are a couple of players who think my stance is a bit too hard. Good feedback. I can easily let up more, in fact a couple other games I'm semi-modding, I'm more lenient than the other mods.

I tried to be lenient in this specific situation and a couple people on this site jumped on my case.
Thrill, someone saying I take it up the ass and like it when it is not true is not a petty argument when you say it in a way that is inflammatory. My sexual preferences and and sex life should not be brought into any conversation. The phrase you used, in my country, is in fact inflammatory and I know you have disdain toward me, so how could I not be lead in the direction that you were using hate speech against me? It was pretty easy for me to connect 2 dots. If that was not your intent, then it was a simple miscommunication and lets just drop it and leave it at that.

This conversation was meant to be constructive and talk about team games, lets keep it in that direction or I will just make a new forum thread.

At the end of the day, this is a game that people come here to enjoy. I'm trying to be a total utilitarian. I hope the squeaky gears of this site don't receive more weight than they should be allotted.

I'm pretty sure that only 4 people are going to read this entire post, because it is TL;DR.

Throw dice at people and have fun, ffs!
at 4:23 PM, Sunday November 30, 2014 EST
Still, he persists with the ridiculous gay hate argument. Just to deconstruct it further to prove how stupid it is, YOUR OWN LINK says:

Joe just went "Riding your bike backwards" all over that woman.

So wouldn't that mean I am telling you that you like GIVING it to WOMEN in the bum?

It's so ridiculous that I even have to defend myself against these ridiculous accusations. I gave you several examples of the intended context and you keep flogging this dead horse.

You are too egotistical and too childish to be a moderator imo. Your stance constantly changes and you are always weaseling your way out of the ridiculous things you say.
jurgen wrote
at 4:23 PM, Sunday November 30, 2014 EST
tl but read it anyway

so that's 1/4, or 2/4 if you count yourself too BDK
BigDaddyKane wrote
at 6:14 PM, Sunday November 30, 2014 EST
I don't count for much, I'm pretty worthless, so... 1/4
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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