
Rileyhemp wrote
at 8:16 PM, Wednesday November 26, 2014 EST
How is it ok for one dude to log into a proxy and play 4 accounts at once?

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at 5:17 PM, Saturday November 29, 2014 EST
Just a funny side note, the example used in your own link is actually heterosexual

Joe just went "Riding your bike backwards" all over that woman.
BigDaddyKane wrote
at 5:35 PM, Saturday November 29, 2014 EST
"Riding your bike backwards
Anal sex and or anything that involves anal pleasure"

Telling a guy that he likes anal is hetero? Interesting.
at 5:48 PM, Saturday November 29, 2014 EST

I have given plenty of background to explain my comment, so please stop banging on about gay hate as there is nothing to support it. I'm not trolling, you accused me of gay hate speech so I have provided an explanation and the context to support my comments.

This might come as a shock to you, but just because you say something over and over it doesn't make it the truth. Your own definition makes no reference to anything homosexual, so enough is enough I think. Stop putting words in my mouth.
Rileyhemp wrote
at 5:58 PM, Saturday November 29, 2014 EST
I wasn't paying attention to the names and sat 2k. got water, came back and was me vs 4 pga accounts. BDK saw the whole thing and said he would 'get involved if it gets out of hand'

I pointed out that there were only 2 rules and he was breaking both, to which he said 'players were enjoying it' I didn't enjoy it very much, but I was stupid and didn't check the names before sitting. My thoughts: follow the rules or change them, or make team games. But don't sit back and watch a 4v1 pga go down and let it slide because people are 'enjoying it'. So we can proxy and pga if it's fun? Cool beans. Why should I purchase a membership to support a game when the only 2 rules are only subjectively enforced?
BigDaddyKane wrote
at 6:00 PM, Saturday November 29, 2014 EST
Are you claiming I photoshopped what you said? Are you claiming the internet is incorrect compared to your own interpretations? The premise of your argument is based on upon both answers being "No".

Also, you left NO context with your statement. Nor did you stick around to clarify anything. You simply followed me to a game, made (in my opinion, as well as the rest of the USA) a gay hate comment, then left.

Seriously, am I missing something here? I never put a single word in your mouth. Just copy and paste.
Rileyhemp wrote
at 6:00 PM, Saturday November 29, 2014 EST
I wasn't paying attention to the names and sat 2k. got water, came back and was me vs 4 pga accounts. BDK saw the whole thing and said he would 'get involved if it gets out of hand'

I pointed out that there were only 2 rules and he was breaking both, to which he said 'players were enjoying it' I didn't enjoy it very much, but I was stupid and didn't check the names before sitting. My thoughts: follow the rules or change them, or make team games. But don't sit back and watch a 4v1 pga go down and let it slide because people are 'enjoying it'. So we can proxy and pga if it's fun? Cool beans. Why should I purchase a membership to support a game when the only 2 rules are only subjectively enforced?
at 6:07 PM, Saturday November 29, 2014 EST
You are putting the context in my mouth. I have clarified it ad nauseam and you are still saying I made hateful gay comments. I don't live in America, and as stated the definition you posted also does not make any mention of homosexuality.

The internet doesn't support you, one person with 3 likes on urban dictionary does. If you google riding a bike backwards the ratio of "backpedaling" definitions vs "gay" definitions is about 1000:1.

Give it a rest. Better yet, how about you actually respond to the remark as intended, that you constantly change your contention. Enough deflection.
jurgen wrote
at 6:09 PM, Saturday November 29, 2014 EST
come onnnn BDK, you don't have to win all battles

allowing it was not the best thing to do, let's just forget about the whole thing and focus on the end conclusion that we all agreed on as mods: sitting more than one account at once is and was never officially tolerated so we're going to keep banning it.

I'd be happy to leave some grey area and allow it for fun or to test it or to fill a table or whatever but because the rule will be bent anyway if we give a finger, it has to stay a black and white rule.

BigDaddyKane wrote
at 6:22 PM, Saturday November 29, 2014 EST
I partially agree with you, Riley. I just wanted feedback. I'm not saying what I did (or didn't do) was right or wrong, I just wanted to serve the community the best I could as a whole. Talk to meme, toms, and the other 4 people (sorry, I can't remember their names) that were enjoying this game.

It sucks that Thrill keeps trying to change this topic, because I really wanted community feedback.
{A}Monkey SLayer wrote
at 6:28 PM, Saturday November 29, 2014 EST
Just how much longer are we going to have to put up with BDK being a terrible mod until someone actually admits that making him a mod was a mistake?
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