
Rileyhemp wrote
at 8:16 PM, Wednesday November 26, 2014 EST
How is it ok for one dude to log into a proxy and play 4 accounts at once?

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Buttwank wrote
at 1:12 AM, Saturday November 29, 2014 EST
Fuckin fag made a moderator. Shut him down and shut him out. thats what happen when you fuckin promote god damn full blown assholes to the top. FREE MULDER 2014 fuck you
Thought Crime wrote
at 10:05 AM, Saturday November 29, 2014 EST
Wait. Team games are back?
at 4:03 PM, Saturday November 29, 2014 EST
BigDaddyKane wrote
at 4:19 PM, Saturday November 29, 2014 EST
You said: "ride a bike backwards". You never used the word backpedaling.
at 4:39 PM, Saturday November 29, 2014 EST
Sigh, from the link i posted:

"A more literal meaning of backpedal is, just as it sounds, to pedal a bicycle backwards."

So to break it down, the implication is that you backpedal so much you could ride a bike backwards.

Eg. You insult me, then when I reply you say you just want a candid discussion not a flame war and you hate troll offs. Seems quite hypocritical given how frequently you engage in such behavior.

In reference to this topic, you banned Gurgi for pga saying it was a "textbook ban". There were 124 posts of back and forth about how he should just follow the rules and accept his ban. Someone blatantly proxying is not as textbook apparently and should be open for discussion. You encouraged it - giving him advice about setting static IP's in various browsers for easier play, but then you reply to this thread saying you actually aren't supporting him. Your response to Gurgi was:

BigDaddyKane wrote
at 7:15 AM, Monday November 3, 2014 CST
Josh, I don't need screen shots to ban you. I was there. End of story. Don't PGA and you won't get banned. Well, that's not completely true. Just play within the rules and you will have nothing to fear. It's not rocket science.

And yet you were there as you said for several games spectating someone breaking one of only two ACTUAL rules in open support of it.

So which context makes more sense re: riding a bike backwards? The implication that you back peddle a lot, or a random obscure gay hate reference I'm sure 95% of people have never heard of?
at 4:45 PM, Saturday November 29, 2014 EST
BigDaddyKane wrote
at 10:41 PM, Monday September 1, 2014 CDT
p.s. harassment is not something I care too much about, just pga/proxy and spamming. I defer to jurg for the rest.
BigDaddyKane wrote
at 5:02 PM, Saturday November 29, 2014 EST
Trolling me at any expense and all opportunities, Thrill. I quoted (and screen shotted) what you, and you alone, wrote. Take your arguments up with the internet. I live in U.S.A. and what you said is absolutely considered gay hate. How is this not clear?

You're driving a car in one direction, pump your brakes, kid.
BigDaddyKane wrote
at 5:03 PM, Saturday November 29, 2014 EST
p.s. If I didn't defer to Jurg you would be banned already.
at 5:13 PM, Saturday November 29, 2014 EST
It's like talking to a brick wall.
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