
congratz Integral, BigDaddyKane and Exonym
jurgen wrote
at 5:07 PM, Monday September 1, 2014 EDT
Finally we can add a few more motivated mods to the mod list (wooooooohoooo)

Perfect timing too since I will be away for a few days.

I included Exonym in the list because he deserves the gratz too here but before anyone wonders if it's a Kdice alt, Exonym is a new XSketch mod.

The new KDice mods might be a bit controversial in some ways but I'm pretty confident they'll take the responsibility seriously and will grow into the job. For a while I shared Ryan's scepticism to add more mods. But I realised there will never be a perfect candidate that everyone will like so I decided to ignore all cold water fear and go for it. I'm sticking my neck out here big time but I think it's worth it. I know both new mods will surprise everyone in a good way. Please let's all start by giving them the benefit of doubt and a big vote of confidence.

I hope we can get a mod team thing going where everybody does his thing but where we all work together. Shouldn't be that hard since I think we all want KDice to be successful and to be a fun place to hang out.

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montecarlo wrote
at 9:03 PM, Tuesday September 2, 2014 EDT
can yall srsly stop whining past each other.

thanks rowdy. ali, you gotta step up your game, rowdy making you look like a noob mod.
integral wrote
at 9:09 PM, Tuesday September 2, 2014 EDT
so far I've laid out about 12 bans... rowdy has given 1 contrib badge.

thanks for being a mod rowdy ;)
at 10:08 PM, Tuesday September 2, 2014 EDT
Good post Slin.
BigDaddyKane wrote
at 4:42 PM, Wednesday September 3, 2014 EDT
And here be the land of which I grow my fucks, as you can see, it is barren.
BigDaddyKane wrote
at 9:09 PM, Wednesday September 3, 2014 EDT
And, Ali, who left the bag of idiots open? Seems like it is hunting season. I'm in.
longhair wrote
at 4:25 PM, Friday September 5, 2014 EDT
monte my son how are you?i hope you good .say hello your mother.i love you
montecarlo wrote
at 7:54 PM, Friday September 5, 2014 EDT
murti, my mother is crying every night. she misses you. please come visit soon!
ehervey wrote
at 6:00 AM, Saturday September 6, 2014 EDT
Why did you take the 2 guys that really dont like me... ?
jurgen wrote
at 7:35 AM, Saturday September 6, 2014 EDT
herv, because I picked people who think a bit like me...oops, jk (partly)

I'm not going to go for an in-depth explanation of why they exactly made the cut.

Nobody is perfect, but obviously I saw the most potential in them or I wouldn't have nominated them. I do realise there are potential risks but I think they are mature enough to separate their more wild side and their mod job. I will step in when needed of course, without being their babysitter either.

Both are open for discussion/feedback and in a way they will counterbalance each other a bit so I really like the idea of a well organised mod team.

I also must say that I'm happy with the global reaction of the KDice community. Of course some people are a bit sceptical but overall, I think this is a step in the right direction for KDice and most people seem to agree. In fact, only the hardcore trolls and cheaters should be a bit worried.
Slinus wrote
at 1:15 PM, Saturday September 6, 2014 EDT
Yeah, KDice reaction is good because most the people don't know those two. Some guy said today and I paraphrase: integral is a good mod, he is an extremely fair and noble player.
Anyway, I nominate him for perfect mod. He has the balls to ban people if he finds the slightest reason. Which is good of course. And fun.

On a more serious note: I actually am worried about any kind of name calling, slightest touch of "harrassment" or even trolling (lol?) being serious offenses now.
It's not like I'm too big on those myself, but overmodding them would be detrimental for the site I am sure.
Where do we get if a friendly "fuck you" or "fag" slips out to your buddy and you become scared of being chat banned because nazi mod might be right around the corner.

Sorry for being so sceptic, but I speak my mind like a true contrarian. (nobody cares, but I voice it anyway)(please don't ban again)
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KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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