
congratz Integral, BigDaddyKane and Exonym
jurgen wrote
at 5:07 PM, Monday September 1, 2014 EDT
Finally we can add a few more motivated mods to the mod list (wooooooohoooo)

Perfect timing too since I will be away for a few days.

I included Exonym in the list because he deserves the gratz too here but before anyone wonders if it's a Kdice alt, Exonym is a new XSketch mod.

The new KDice mods might be a bit controversial in some ways but I'm pretty confident they'll take the responsibility seriously and will grow into the job. For a while I shared Ryan's scepticism to add more mods. But I realised there will never be a perfect candidate that everyone will like so I decided to ignore all cold water fear and go for it. I'm sticking my neck out here big time but I think it's worth it. I know both new mods will surprise everyone in a good way. Please let's all start by giving them the benefit of doubt and a big vote of confidence.

I hope we can get a mod team thing going where everybody does his thing but where we all work together. Shouldn't be that hard since I think we all want KDice to be successful and to be a fun place to hang out.

« First ‹ Previous Replies 61 - 69 of 69
Fatman_x wrote
at 4:21 AM, Sunday September 7, 2014 EDT
OK, OK, i flag round 1 to int and BDK from now on, i got point... :D :P
tillybee wrote
at 5:15 AM, Sunday September 7, 2014 EDT
seems like you have a lot not to do these days thrill .... seems like life is great
tillybee wrote
at 5:59 AM, Sunday September 7, 2014 EDT
is Slinus = Ashliegh = k8dice = nutter?
Slinus wrote
at 12:59 PM, Sunday September 7, 2014 EDT
john_egg wrote
at 5:02 PM, Sunday September 7, 2014 EDT
congrats to both.
greeen wrote
at 1:03 AM, Monday September 8, 2014 EDT
rowdyazell is so cool
Gauntlet15 wrote
at 4:09 PM, Wednesday September 17, 2014 EDT
potato27: int sit in
potato27: shit
integral: pretty unimpressed right now
Gauntlet15: meh
Gauntlet15: do you blame the leader, or the followers?
potato27: blood in the water
dnaa: lol
integral: gaunt i'm usually pretty nice about lookign the other way on your games
john_egg is here
Gauntlet15: looking the other way?
integral: take from it what you will
Gauntlet15: i dont pga if thats what you are saying
Gauntlet15: oh
potato27: gaunt asked me to truce first here, thats why i couldnt join int
Gauntlet15: brown hit me
Gauntlet15: lol
Nippelking has left
Gauntlet15: all vs brown now!
potato27: lolz
dnaa: lol
integral: idk all i did was connect and the 4 of you truce against me
Gauntlet15: i would have rolled
integral: seems kinda damn lame to me
palaremzi has left
Gauntlet15: they followed my evil plan
Gauntlet15: thats all im saying
Gauntlet15: lol
Verano73 has left
Gauntlet15: fucking brown
integral: anyway gaunt i'm not gonna be looking the other way on your games
Gauntlet15: okay thats cool cause i dont pga
integral: cool, let's hope you don't
Gauntlet15: and as a mod, shouldnt you be unbiased
Created is here
Gauntlet15: ??
Gauntlet15: kinda lame if you had some bias towards me
Gauntlet15: and unprofessional
potato27: now what?
Gauntlet15: idk
Created: if someone here called themselves a "Professional Kdicer" I'd at first laugh...then pity them
Insulaner15 has left
Insulaner15: how we end..
Smile-and-wave is here
Insulaner15: sry lagged
Smile-and-wave has left
Gauntlet15 wrote
at 4:10 PM, Wednesday September 17, 2014 EDT
"Looking the other way"
Shantaram wrote
at 8:12 PM, Friday September 19, 2014 EDT
should have just made me a mod then :)
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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