
congratz Integral, BigDaddyKane and Exonym
jurgen wrote
at 5:07 PM, Monday September 1, 2014 EDT
Finally we can add a few more motivated mods to the mod list (wooooooohoooo)

Perfect timing too since I will be away for a few days.

I included Exonym in the list because he deserves the gratz too here but before anyone wonders if it's a Kdice alt, Exonym is a new XSketch mod.

The new KDice mods might be a bit controversial in some ways but I'm pretty confident they'll take the responsibility seriously and will grow into the job. For a while I shared Ryan's scepticism to add more mods. But I realised there will never be a perfect candidate that everyone will like so I decided to ignore all cold water fear and go for it. I'm sticking my neck out here big time but I think it's worth it. I know both new mods will surprise everyone in a good way. Please let's all start by giving them the benefit of doubt and a big vote of confidence.

I hope we can get a mod team thing going where everybody does his thing but where we all work together. Shouldn't be that hard since I think we all want KDice to be successful and to be a fun place to hang out.

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Gauntlet15 wrote
at 2:10 PM, Saturday September 6, 2014 EDT
Last time I checked, "fag" is a form of hate language regardless if you are joking with a friend and hate language is against the rules. The only time you will get banned to from this or harassment is if you are a repeat offender and do not learn your lesson. Usually players get a warning. Stop being paranoid and pretending to give a shit about the site because if you did, you wouldn't have gone to whatever lengths to cheat in the past.
jurgen wrote
at 2:29 PM, Saturday September 6, 2014 EDT
Couldn't have said it any better than Gauntlet.

Instead of whining about the potential overmodding, just act normal and don't do anything that deserves a ban. There has never been overmodding and since unlike you, I really care about what would be detrimental for the site, I will make sure there will be no overmodding (I stood up to mods like Honda Tech in the past when they tried to impose superstrict rules on Kdice).

Contrarian is actually the perfect description here: no matter what happens, you'll always do or want the opposite. Best thing to do with it is probably just to ignore it.
Slinus wrote
at 4:13 PM, Saturday September 6, 2014 EDT
You obviously do care enough to answer though.

:> Nah jurg, it's cool. I just can't hold back sometimes.
And yeah, that was the intention behind posting the contrarian thing. It's pretty fun sometimes if you like to argue.

I'll allow myself one (little?) comment to Gauntlet's post though. You are right, I don't care about the site directly. But I care about me. And I do have a good time playing here. If the site doesn't flourish I will have a less fun time playing here. So in the end I do care.
Even though that doesn't mean I would not do things that were detrimental, I honestly and unwaveringly do think that drama (everyone likes a little bit of that once in a while) and also otf'ing/pga'ing (which everyone does to a certain extent having played a few weeks/days) are beneficial.
Drama gives stories to tell, maybe people to laugh at. If you don't engage, you might sit back, grap your popcorn and watch.
I am fairly certain we would not have such a decently large group of "oldschool" players, who return every now and then (and often pay), if they didn't have so much fun "cheating" in this game. Those are the players so many people admire(wrong word I guess) and like to listen to and also play with(/AGAINST).
Being very subjective here I want to add that I think that quite a few of the most fun people to play with are some of the biggest cheaters in the history this game. (not meaning only to pga with but just to talk to, screw around and play casually)
My opinion on "OTF" would go on too long for now, but I recommend reading carolus MAGNUS' post on this topic: Thank you Ali for hinting to that. "It is poorly written, but you get the point." It's a social game. Let people be social and use that as a particular asset of skill

All this doesn't mean I would think bans (like mine) are unjustified. Especially those that involve "real" cheating (abusing, proxying etc.) are certainly necessary.

Gosh darn, I could go on and on and just mentioned some points, but I'll stop it here.

Call me the odd one gloryfying cheating because being a cheater myself, say I know so little (which is true), but let me have my opinions. I don't want to be negative, I might want to be constructive (not sure), but primarily I just want to express my standpoint (even if you don't care). So don't hate. And maybe don't be so paranoid about "cheating". m(-_-)m

PS: jurgen, seeing you at the tables some time would make my day. Stop playing busy, you pga'ed with me on this FB KDice game just recently. )))
Slinus wrote
at 4:14 PM, Saturday September 6, 2014 EDT
oh shit lol actually nvm lets play
Slinus wrote
at 4:25 PM, Saturday September 6, 2014 EDT

oh shit actually nvm lets just play
jurgen wrote
at 5:24 PM, Saturday September 6, 2014 EDT
lol, we countered those russian guys, that wasn't pga (cough, maybe it was but we were forced to and I would never do that on KDice)

and slin, I don't mind criticism, hell this site would suck if there was no room for a little bit of fun, drama and discussion

I just wish you could balance your scepticism about rules a bit more with a bit more constructive "help" to keep the social aspect of the game a social thing and NOT a cheating thing.

I like driving a lot and I hate getting a fine for speeding. But I realise that most people don't know how to drive safely at 180 kmh so in the end it's better for everyone if there is a reasonable speed limit (not high enough now though :P)
ClicketyClack wrote
at 6:06 PM, Saturday September 6, 2014 EDT
I hit 301 kmph on my bike yesterday. No ticket, irl mods suck.
Slinus wrote
at 6:19 PM, Saturday September 6, 2014 EDT
I went by bike today, too!
My car didn't start, was awesome.
Slinus wrote
at 6:25 PM, Saturday September 6, 2014 EDT
Also try German Autobahn, jurgen. :>

Ye, I know, you have.

Be jelly.
flagsrweak wrote
at 7:43 PM, Saturday September 6, 2014 EDT
Even the German Autobahns have advisory speed limit. They wont fine you if you exceed it, but cause an accident and you might be held liable for not observing it.

I guess the friendly 'fuck yous' are the same here. You will probably get away with it if your friend doesnt mind, but you might get in trouble if they take offence and send the chat log to a mod.
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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