
Rileyhemp wrote
at 8:16 PM, Wednesday November 26, 2014 EST
How is it ok for one dude to log into a proxy and play 4 accounts at once?

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at 5:38 PM, Monday December 1, 2014 EST
You have been stamping your bad attitude all over this thread for the past 5 days, I think everyone missed it.
BigDaddyKane wrote
at 6:16 PM, Monday December 1, 2014 EST
You're probably right. By my direction and intentions have been noted. Think about the future.
at 6:49 PM, Monday December 1, 2014 EST
I am. As stated this isn't the first second or third time you have said you will take the feedback on board. It's probably not even the fourth fifth sixth. I'm just wondering how many times jurgen will fall for it and how much longer we will have to suffer through your condescending moderation. It's laughable that you can spend 5 days carrying on like a child with all the gay hate nonsense, but under threat of having your mod powers removed you are suddenly a changed man, full of remorse.

Seems like you care less about the feedback and more like you care about losing your "authority". If you actually listened to people you would have shut up 3 days ago when jurgen told you to let it go.

You can't even accept that what you said to rowdy was both hypocritical and unnecessary. It's always the other guy who is in the wrong.
Gurgi wrote
at 8:38 PM, Monday December 1, 2014 EST
my guess is that Jurgen gave BDK a warning so BDK is now acting different. (hopefully?)

the fact that he's saying all of his previous mistakes was all planned to make him seem tough instead of saying they were mistakes is p lame.

A good place to start acting differently:
1)admit you fucked up (i hear admitting is the first step to most things?)
2) apologize? right your wrongs
ie: ask ryan to give me a skull since you banned me
at 9:02 PM, Monday December 1, 2014 EST
I'd love an acknowledgement that he was being a childish troll for 95% of this thread, particularly all of the gay hate accusations. I will never get one.

A general (and forced) "sorry for everything" is piss poor. It reeks of disingenuity and it's a huge cop out to put everything down to "misunderstandings".
BigDaddyKane wrote
at 10:48 PM, Monday December 1, 2014 EST
It's funny how much you guys think Jurg has control over me. We have only had sex one time and I didn't spend the night (or even text him the next day).

Gurgi, what do you want me to apologize for?

There are many things that suck as being a mod for this site. But that's okay. One of the main things is people only talk about the bans, not the warnings, not the 30 minutes in chat, etc. I understand why lots of mods have just kind of faded away (or made super secret alts to come back and play) from this game.

I'm not talking about myself here, but there is a general lack of respect/acknowledgment for people that log on, don't play, and watch people complain game to game to game using their own personal time in their endeavor to make this site have a better experience for the majority of the players.
BigDaddyKane wrote
at 10:55 PM, Monday December 1, 2014 EST
And, Gurg, I respect your feedback, but your claim about my intentions couldn't be more incorrect. Don't post your presumptions in the forum.
BugThug wrote
at 12:32 AM, Tuesday December 2, 2014 EST
BDK, did you just get bored of being a mod? Just ask out of it.
BugThug wrote
at 1:46 AM, Tuesday December 2, 2014 EST
Also...I live in America...and speak excellent English...and without the help of the most obscure urban dictionary post, I had no idea that phrase had an alt meaning. I'm wondering how you knew? I mean, nice reference... was wikipedia not available as a reliable source on this one?

I read all the posts. Go me. 5 out of 4!

And sorry to detract from original question:

My two cents is terrible modding at the least... and at worst? That's what I'd like to hear from the community on.

Gurgi wrote
at 5:12 AM, Tuesday December 2, 2014 EST
"Gurgi, what do you want me to apologize for? "

" suck as being a mod "

"better experience for the majority of the players."

"Don't post your presumptions in the forum."

1)I want you to apologize for a lot of things. The fact that you think of one is kind of annoying. A few examples, not banning the players that were obviously cheating, insulting rowdy, trolling thrillho for days about back riding a bike backwards means and obviously for banning me for moving away from someone.

2)if you think it sucks to be a mod, don't be one. No one will acknowledge the time you spend being a mod if all the personal time you spend as a mod is to troll others by being too stubborn to think anyone else could be right but you.

You previously said you wanted to change and the next day you're being a dick again. Show's how erratic you are.

3) You say you want what's best for the majority of the players but so far it only seems you want what's best for you.

-You banned me cause you thought it would help the entire community with getting a cheater off this site but you're the only person who actually thinks what I do is cheating, not the entire community.

-You let people cheat by playing 4 accounts on the table because you thought it would be fun for the rest of the community even when people complained about it to you.

4) I Can post my presumptions in the forums all I fucking want BDK. I didn't even state it as a fact and you still want to command me to not do it again.

Doesn't make me believe you respect anyone but yourself. You're just sawing words and not acting on them.
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