
Rileyhemp wrote
at 8:16 PM, Wednesday November 26, 2014 EST
How is it ok for one dude to log into a proxy and play 4 accounts at once?

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jurgen wrote
at 6:03 AM, Tuesday December 2, 2014 EST
* The fact that you CAN'T think of one is kind of annoying
jurgen wrote
at 6:03 AM, Tuesday December 2, 2014 EST
oops, wrong account
jurgen wrote
at 6:10 AM, Tuesday December 2, 2014 EST
sorry, didn't mean to troll, just thought that was funny ish

I'm also not ignoring this entire situation, I'm trying to work things out in private with BDK. All I can say is that I strongly advised him to make a complete U-turn, not only for himself but also for the well being of the site. Regardless of who is right or wrong, it's not good for the site either way if a mod and (the (vocal part of) the community are constantly disagreeing or fighting.

Also wanted to add that the Rowdy being considered for demodding comment was a really bad move because it not on the agenda at all
Gurgi wrote
at 6:14 AM, Tuesday December 2, 2014 EST
You're so perfect
at 6:42 AM, Tuesday December 2, 2014 EST
5 hours after saying he's taken the feedback on board he was on a different thread trying to stir up another argument / troll fest.

It's not the community and one mod constantly fighting, it's one mod constantly picking fights with people in the community. Re read the thread and count how many times BDK instigated the petty arguing vs someone else picking a fight with him.

Lastly, it does matter who is right and wrong. It is wrong for a moderator to fabricate completely transparent and false gay hate accusations without consequence. Nobody cares about the private chat where he says he will change but we all know he wont.

I agree with Gurgi. I'm sure a lot of people would love to see him swallow his pride and take ownership of the ridiculous shit he's been putting out there.
Slinus wrote
at 7:02 AM, Tuesday December 2, 2014 EST
I never understood why BDK became mod in the first place. In my eyes he is just as unfit to be a mod as I, myself, would be (for many already mentioned reasons which I can't be bothered to repeat).

A little fun fact: The trigger for int teaming up with me back in August '13 was the way BDK tried to downtalk others (myself in that case) with his bullshit. He hasn't changed that attitude one bit.

This is not a personal attack on you, BDK. In a way I like you as a person. :)))
BigDaddyKane wrote
at 9:44 AM, Tuesday December 2, 2014 EST
Eek! Fine, I'll change my attitude for this site and be more natural. Like I said before, the other sites that I have modded... I'm a push over.

Just because I invited feedback unto myself doesn't mean you should wreck me. When was the last time you have seen anyone on kdice ask for everyone to give feedback on them? lol
Gurgi wrote
at 10:26 AM, Tuesday December 2, 2014 EST
summary of some feedback:
-lying is bad
-holding grudges is bad
-trolling is bad
-banning without consulting others is bad
-insulting mods and others is bad
-refusing to admit you were wrong is bad (like what you just said in the last post)
-being condescending towards others is bad
-avoiding topic issues is bad
dasfury wrote
at 12:39 PM, Tuesday December 2, 2014 EST
-Gurgi is bad (in the good way)
dasfury wrote
at 12:56 PM, Tuesday December 2, 2014 EST
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