
congratz Integral, BigDaddyKane and Exonym
jurgen wrote
at 5:07 PM, Monday September 1, 2014 EDT
Finally we can add a few more motivated mods to the mod list (wooooooohoooo)

Perfect timing too since I will be away for a few days.

I included Exonym in the list because he deserves the gratz too here but before anyone wonders if it's a Kdice alt, Exonym is a new XSketch mod.

The new KDice mods might be a bit controversial in some ways but I'm pretty confident they'll take the responsibility seriously and will grow into the job. For a while I shared Ryan's scepticism to add more mods. But I realised there will never be a perfect candidate that everyone will like so I decided to ignore all cold water fear and go for it. I'm sticking my neck out here big time but I think it's worth it. I know both new mods will surprise everyone in a good way. Please let's all start by giving them the benefit of doubt and a big vote of confidence.

I hope we can get a mod team thing going where everybody does his thing but where we all work together. Shouldn't be that hard since I think we all want KDice to be successful and to be a fun place to hang out.

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BigDaddyKane wrote
at 11:39 PM, Monday September 1, 2014 EDT
I thought you would hop in the opposite direction. You seem to NEVER learn a lesson. You have too many PGEs to deal with already, so coercing people against you is not even a talent that anyone can claim.

If you find me (and most likely 70% of kdice) being reactive toward your self importance/preservation a problem, then stop being insufferable.

Your podium is because I didn't PGE you. It seems like it is still on, which I don't care, that is fine. I just didn't expect you to be a bitch about it.

As far as harassment, I think you miss the semantic meaning. But that is for you to research (and dwell upon).

As I said. I personally find you annoying, and I have given you personally 4 chances as a player on kdice. You have fucked them all. But moderation is a different thing. I'm not like rowdy, I don't use my moderation for personal uses. I will be who I am on kdice. My moderation is for the benefit of the game.

If you cheat (again), it will be easy to ban you since I will be watching you more.

And me as a mod is more of a group thing. So watch yourself.
montecarlo wrote
at 11:40 PM, Monday September 1, 2014 EDT
ali can i have a + for my stellar play during the first week of june 2007 while i was at the beach?
at 12:46 AM, Tuesday September 2, 2014 EDT
As a player it is obnoxious, as a moderator it is hypocritical. You can't enforce rules which you yourself show contempt for.

I'm all for this site being more evenly and heavily moderated. To say you don't care about harassment and Jurgen can look after it is an immediate indictment on your attitude as a moderator. It's not about what YOU care about, it's about what the rules are. The function of a moderator is to enforce the rules.

Please stop antagonizing me now that you are a moderator. I will be who I am on kdice is fine so long as it is within the rules. Please also clarify what would constitute harassment (collectively as a group of moderators) so that I can hold you to account when you break your own rules.
BigDaddyKane wrote
at 1:20 AM, Tuesday September 2, 2014 EDT
All I have to say, is grow up, buddy. Grow up. All your problems will be solved. In kdice. And I wish you the best in real life. But just grow up.
at 1:43 AM, Tuesday September 2, 2014 EDT
lol you spam, I ignore you and I'm the one who needs to grow up. I've been asking you to grow up and move on for months.

Seriously though, I think its reasonable to seek clarification. It's an ambiguous rule, so I'd love clarification of what constitutes harassment given the person who harasses me is now a moderator. I complained about it before you were a moderator too. I'm not trying to be painful, I want it clarified so that it can be enforced. Please don't avoid what is a reasonable and relevant question.

integral wrote
at 2:07 AM, Tuesday September 2, 2014 EDT
Over the next few days/weeks I'm hoping to try to figure out if we can deal with this harrassment issue and get some idea of what will be min bans in this regard.

As it is, it's something I'd like to rid ourselves of on kdice, because I know for a fact gpokr doesn't nearly have as much trolling as we do.. which is fine, considering the passion/emotion the players have here. I'm ok with that, but there's a line when things get to harrassment.

In my opinion, several players crossed that line quite frequently last month. People seem to forget that it's just a game after all, and there's really no need to bring in your bigoted opinions or be derogatory towards people's real lives.

I don't care if you have bigoted opinions, just keep them to yourselves as far as the chatbox and forum is concerned, and I'm happy.

In terms of harrassment, I think we're all adults here and I think the people who know they are walking a fine line really need to take a step back and analyze the way they talk to people on here, because I for one will not tolerate as much harrasment things as much as jurgen did, and I'm pretty serious about that.

Also, the past is the past and as far as I'm concerned everyone has a clean slate with me.
integral wrote
at 2:09 AM, Tuesday September 2, 2014 EDT
I should clarify, everyone except shannon has a clean slate with me.
jurgen wrote
at 3:01 AM, Tuesday September 2, 2014 EDT
I agree with int here,

unfortunately I won't have time the next few days but the goal here is to slowly come up with an up to date rule list, or at least try and clarify what would or could be banned.

It's never going to be black and white everywhere but now that we have a few extra mods, I think it will be useful if we can come up with some common guidelines and get somewhat standardised ban lengths (although I still think that every case is different and there are degrees of gravity of say first time pga/trolling/harassing/sharing/verbal abuse etc so imo a first ban shouldn't always have the same ban length)
whimsical wrote
at 10:36 AM, Tuesday September 2, 2014 EDT

integral wrote
at 2:09 AM, Tuesday September 2, 2014 CDT
I should clarify, everyone except shannon has a clean slate with me.
whimsical wrote
at 10:36 AM, Tuesday September 2, 2014 EDT
so unban veta
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