
congratz Integral, BigDaddyKane and Exonym
jurgen wrote
at 5:07 PM, Monday September 1, 2014 EDT
Finally we can add a few more motivated mods to the mod list (wooooooohoooo)

Perfect timing too since I will be away for a few days.

I included Exonym in the list because he deserves the gratz too here but before anyone wonders if it's a Kdice alt, Exonym is a new XSketch mod.

The new KDice mods might be a bit controversial in some ways but I'm pretty confident they'll take the responsibility seriously and will grow into the job. For a while I shared Ryan's scepticism to add more mods. But I realised there will never be a perfect candidate that everyone will like so I decided to ignore all cold water fear and go for it. I'm sticking my neck out here big time but I think it's worth it. I know both new mods will surprise everyone in a good way. Please let's all start by giving them the benefit of doubt and a big vote of confidence.

I hope we can get a mod team thing going where everybody does his thing but where we all work together. Shouldn't be that hard since I think we all want KDice to be successful and to be a fun place to hang out.

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BigDaddyKane wrote
at 6:49 PM, Monday September 1, 2014 EDT
Probably the best response ever. Oh crap, am I 3v1'ing? Is that legal?

Just don't cheat, Slinus. I get pissed at your game play, but that is totally different.
Slinus wrote
at 6:50 PM, Monday September 1, 2014 EDT
Don't make this about me!
Slinus wrote
at 6:54 PM, Monday September 1, 2014 EDT
What do I have to do with it? I'm not able to play anyway. There is no need to discuss my ethics for the 100th time. :)
I am just rejoicing at the fact that those two became mods. Let me be!
BigDaddyKane wrote
at 6:54 PM, Monday September 1, 2014 EDT
You like it and you know it :P

On a more serious note, here is my email: [email protected]. I promise to check it once a month. ;p
whimsical wrote
at 9:19 PM, Monday September 1, 2014 EDT
didnt c that coming
at 10:12 PM, Monday September 1, 2014 EDT
Integral I can see, BDK not so much (in fact not at all).

I'm not sure how someone who constantly spams the chat with 50 lines of unanswered rhetoric will make a good mod. To me BDK seems like the kind of guy who will happily antagonize, and then when it suits him use his mod powers to "justifiably" enforce the "rules".

One of the biggest "rules" which goes unpunished IMO is harassment. To me, BDK is one of the worst protagonists. I can't think of a time in the past 12 months when I have sat at a table with him and not experienced it.

So what should I expect now that he is a mod? Will he suddenly stop the merciless trolling / grey chat / antagonistic and abusive yammering? If not, where is the line?
Exa wrote
at 10:19 PM, Monday September 1, 2014 EDT
well gratz
guess its about time for ali to be mod
BDK is a surprise tho

anyway i think both of them will be good mod
BigDaddyKane wrote
at 10:39 PM, Monday September 1, 2014 EDT
Thrill, read above. My personal opinions will not get in the way of moderation. Remember how I could have pge'd you out of your podium? It was far too easy, trust me... I didn't. You deserved your medal. I haven't seen you do anything bannable for about a year, so keep it up. I can still pge and keep my mod abilities as they should be... Responsible.

You know it too. Don't make this about me and you.
BigDaddyKane wrote
at 10:41 PM, Monday September 1, 2014 EDT
p.s. harassment is not something I care too much about, just pga/proxy and spamming. I defer to jurg for the rest.
at 11:19 PM, Monday September 1, 2014 EDT
You have this skewed view of the world where because you say something it is now the truth.

PGE is a part of the game, but I would like a definition of what is acceptable "pge". To me it would be in game actions such as not accepting flags / truce offers and going out of your way to ruin someone else's game.

In my opinion the way you behave goes beyond pge and becomes harassment. I think it's normal after a game for people to get shitty and abuse one another. I think it's normal for people to hold a grudge for a period of time and be irritating. I think the way you carry on is beyond a joke.

For well over 12 months the interaction I have had with you has been insufferable, and not just for me but for other people playing the game. I'm sure in your own mind you think everyone is cheering you on for sticking it to me, but the reality is that most people probably find your spam incredibly irritating.

I don't ever strike up a conversation with you. In fact a lot of the time I don't even respond to you, but even that doesn't make a difference. You spam at me regardless of whether or not I respond. Integral had you on his list of irritating people to watch when he found out he was going to become a mod for this very reason.

This idea of just grinding and grinding and grinding doing everything in your power to wreck my game actually wrecks the environment for other people. If you aren't in a game I am, you grey chat and try to "coach" 6 other people into executing your pge. Most people don't want / need coaching. If you are in the game, you don't just pge me you say things like "can we all agree thrill is last?". If i respond to your yammering everyone has to suffer through essays about how smart you are, how illogical i am, how i have never won an argument with you in my life. Invariably there is a handful of homosexual innuendo sprinkled throughout your bullshit. Conversely, if I don't respond you try to illicit a reaction by saying things like "here we go, ho is typing a big long reply". No matter which way I try to handle you, your objective is to try and find a way to be obnoxious and antagonistic.

harassment: n. the act of systematic and/or CONTINUED UNWANTED AND ANNOYING ACTIONS of one party or a group, including threats and demands. The purposes may vary, including racial prejudice, PERSONAL MALICE, an attempt to force someone to quit a job or grant sexual favors, apply illegal pressure to collect a bill, or MERELY GAIN SADISTIC PLEASURE from making someone fearful or anxious.

PGE me to your hearts content, just shut the fuck up about it and let other people play the game. Especially shut the fuck up about it if you are now a mod who is supposed to enforce the rules, one of which is do not harass people. I don't think anyone enjoys seeing 40 out of 50 lines in the chat box being consumed by Big Daddy Kane bullshit.
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