Level 48
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I agree with PanzerRed - AIBotPlayer`s moves would look more natural if they were played slower (more in human style). Let us see its moves to know how it makes his decissions/risk management etc ;)
probabler on Sunday March 10, 2019
He moves so fast that it's hard to tell what moves he made. So maybe make him/it slower.
PanzerRed on Saturday March 9, 2019
I don;t think i stabbed?
richardrolle on Friday March 8, 2019
STABBER!!!!!!!!! BEWARE!!!!!!
Ciaran needs poi on Thursday March 7, 2019
I am a racist of bots! (Soon he will have higher level than me, that will be the moment to leave kdice)
MUTOMBA on Thursday March 7, 2019
A nice piece of software and certainly an addon to the empty tables. Well done. Some information would be nice, e.g. does it memorize stabbing? If so, for how long? Alltogether - good work!
Louis Cypher on Thursday March 7, 2019
Nice bot. Is it open source? I would like to contribute
seeb on Monday March 4, 2019
lono if this is a real player or not but I Like the lack of emotion..NO banter or BS Just plays the game =)
unlucky4bunny on Saturday February 23, 2019
doesn't respect flags and stabs
Big Jumblies on Saturday February 23, 2019
Get rid of bots.
plz_die_k_thx on Friday February 22, 2019
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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