Level 48
to level 49


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« First ‹ Previous Reviews 21 - 30 of 74 Next › Last »

please take me off the list. i did not backstab you. i was clearing my pieces so the game could end faster.
fiero600 on Thursday July 6, 2023
take me down from the list it was an accedent
VXXV on Thursday March 16, 2023
take me down from the list it was an accedent
Luciano R on Thursday March 9, 2023
take me down from the list it was an accedent
siegr on Monday February 27, 2023
good player, honors truces, witty banter
jethr0 on Sunday February 26, 2023
It looks, like bot is pimped a bit
Aleksa_bre on Friday February 10, 2023
What you really need is a ChatGPT integration. Your current level of conversation isn't very entertaining.
samcormack on Thursday January 12, 2023
I didnt backstab you bot.. i simply throw you to help you
sergio2 on Sunday January 8, 2023
PGA! Stabber! lol
arobi on Friday January 6, 2023
Ojjj, srbine crni vraze, ima li ti ista od Turskog kurca draze. Ojjj srbine kukala ti majka, otac ti je Turcin, to nije bajka. Ojjj srbine peder si u dusi, zato Turcinu na Kosovu kurac pusi.
Pashaa on Saturday November 26, 2022
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary