Level 79
to level 80


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This player has been modded by the community

Please disregard my reasons to give a warning and a 3 day -play to gummitarsan, ihatepgaers made up fake evidence to incriminate Gummitarsan +changeAvatar jurgen 2:27 AM, Tuesday January 18, 2011 EST
I would like to apologise to Gummitarsan and hereby wish to clear his name -changeAvatar jurgen 2:25 AM, Tuesday January 18, 2011 EST
because the person who reported you screwed his own credibility, I am giving you the benefit of the doubt again...and let this also show mods do act (sometimes even wrong) :-) +chat +play jurgen 8:48 AM, Friday January 14, 2011 EST
watch your language, 3 day warning -chat -play jurgen 2:38 AM, Friday January 14, 2011 EST

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Complete dick
junfire on Thursday March 5, 2009
truces after 2 rounds
kaneda_z on Sunday February 22, 2009
Never one game without him trucing the top 3 and getting first... No point playing with him.
TheONLYprophet on Thursday January 29, 2009
good player, honorable winner
wEiRd0 on Wednesday November 12, 2008
I take back my previous statement. Perhaps he is growing in the kdice world. Respected my flag
schmack on Tuesday October 7, 2008
Gummy has delusions of adequacy
bildo on Tuesday September 30, 2008
Here's one back for ya.... ;-). Good player.
Flying Dutchman1 on Friday September 26, 2008
Cry baby cry.... there is more in life then kdice. Its just a game.
BRENDA on Tuesday September 16, 2008
he's an asshole
CuteKittens on Monday September 8, 2008
Hates new players
Reefer7 on Tuesday September 2, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary