Level 79
to level 80


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This player has been modded by the community

Please disregard my reasons to give a warning and a 3 day -play to gummitarsan, ihatepgaers made up fake evidence to incriminate Gummitarsan +changeAvatar jurgen 2:27 AM, Tuesday January 18, 2011 EST
I would like to apologise to Gummitarsan and hereby wish to clear his name -changeAvatar jurgen 2:25 AM, Tuesday January 18, 2011 EST
because the person who reported you screwed his own credibility, I am giving you the benefit of the doubt again...and let this also show mods do act (sometimes even wrong) :-) +chat +play jurgen 8:48 AM, Friday January 14, 2011 EST
watch your language, 3 day warning -chat -play jurgen 2:38 AM, Friday January 14, 2011 EST

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« First ‹ Previous Reviews 61 - 64 of 64

just to say it, OvIoN is not OviloN.
OviloN on Wednesday August 20, 2008
Needs to communicate more, as can come across as not respecting flags. Not a n00b, but close, talk more :-)
scorp888 on Monday August 4, 2008
The awesome.
58 on Sunday July 20, 2008
A good player. Know the game, and is willing to respect flags.
Gandemos on Tuesday July 8, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
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