Level 79
to level 80


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This player has been modded by the community

Please disregard my reasons to give a warning and a 3 day -play to gummitarsan, ihatepgaers made up fake evidence to incriminate Gummitarsan +changeAvatar jurgen 2:27 AM, Tuesday January 18, 2011 EST
I would like to apologise to Gummitarsan and hereby wish to clear his name -changeAvatar jurgen 2:25 AM, Tuesday January 18, 2011 EST
because the person who reported you screwed his own credibility, I am giving you the benefit of the doubt again...and let this also show mods do act (sometimes even wrong) :-) +chat +play jurgen 8:48 AM, Friday January 14, 2011 EST
watch your language, 3 day warning -chat -play jurgen 2:38 AM, Friday January 14, 2011 EST

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after a nice flag, he backstabbed me. kill him instantly.. and after i took revenge on him, he was crying for 10 mins as a spectator
Sportacus on Tuesday January 12, 2010
don't respekt flags...let up!!!
..Scarface` on Friday December 4, 2009
Gave me good advise but i didn't listen. Thank you very much.
unknown~~ on Tuesday September 22, 2009
agree with all of you. a little pussy who cant lose...poor gay...
cinzano on Saturday September 19, 2009
get a dictionnary, look up truce and ethics
SpineBreaker on Wednesday August 5, 2009
Really great player probably a top 5 kdice player... Now thats what you call a nice review :)
Robert SJ on Sunday July 5, 2009
Bitchy player.
puchaq on Thursday June 4, 2009
Thank you for all the nice reviews. I love you all!
Gummitarsan on Tuesday May 19, 2009
NEVER trust. Backstabber. Foul mouth. RUDE. The worst kind of player i've ever seen in this game.
sosti on Saturday March 14, 2009
This pussy can t lose...
aCi on Tuesday March 10, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary