Level 90
to level 91 |
CreatedThis player has 1 contributions to the community
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Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. Good guy once you get to know him.
DeanVenture on Monday January 14, 2013 doesnt respect flags
@asd_asdfg123 on Sunday December 30, 2012 total dick. attacks flagged players.
818L8 on Thursday December 27, 2012 Mixed reviews after the last two games. Flagged and sat out to give me 3rd when I was attacked by player in 1st Next game protected someone who obviously wanted to kill me as his self appointed pge when he had one territory.
chipati on Tuesday December 25, 2012 he is a backstabber and pga gamer -_-
Sergius on Wednesday September 19, 2012 GReat. Nice to find people who comes to KDice to play for fun!. Nice to talk and play with. Gl Sir!!!.
rotia on Thursday August 23, 2012 A good and fair player
SticksStones on Wednesday August 22, 2012 nice to play with
masuu on Wednesday August 15, 2012 I know one thing. If Bruce Dickinson wants more cow bell, we should give it to him!
RollinLikeAChamp on Sunday July 15, 2012 Great man and player, I feel good playing with him :)
LearnToLive on Sunday July 8, 2012 |