Level 90
to level 91


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This player has 1 contributions to the community

Recognized on 8:58 PM, Tuesday April 2, 2024 EDT by annat
Stu is an amazing player not just for his skills, but sportsmanship. If an opponent lags out a winning hand, he does what he can to make it right. Not many players would do this or even care. Best of luck to you this month!!

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Will you sing us some Johnny Cash songs please: http://www.thejohnnycashproject.com/#/explore/DirectorsCut
Prof Chaos on Tuesday April 2, 2013
this guy had sex with my dog but it brought my dog out of his depression so i have mixed feelings about this guy
Dude111 on Tuesday April 2, 2013
a true bro, one of the kindest big hearted guys on kdiceFun player, both in game as in chat.
chiefKeef on Monday April 1, 2013
a true bro, one of the kindest big hearted guys on kdice
@DVidjen on Monday April 1, 2013
Christopher Kdice. King of film now hes comming for kdice.
Ninjamonkey on Sunday March 31, 2013
Fun player, both in game as in chat. Don't worry, I won't tell your mom....
Flying Dutchman1 on Tuesday March 19, 2013
Played well, won despite being in the middle. Respected flags and the drawn out smaller battles ^^.
Atilla the Pun on Wednesday February 27, 2013
very honorable player :D
Darkray9 on Thursday January 24, 2013
PGA with Gryz
AntiFlag on Friday January 18, 2013
This guy is arrogant...can't take a joke, farms people and thinks it's his right...takes everything personally
Ttoronto on Thursday January 17, 2013
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary