Level 90
to level 91 |
CreatedThis player has 1 contributions to the community
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Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. Nice and fair player
Richarto on Sunday October 12, 2014 Not the worst all the time :)
BugThug on Sunday October 12, 2014 liar
tyla on Tuesday September 30, 2014 Prick of a player, Prick of a person, and prick that he decided to review me.
Three_Blind_Dice on Friday September 26, 2014 sometimes too kind! some may even say saintly!
voxall on Sunday August 31, 2014 asshole - ruins ur game for fun -- [This review was automatically posted using Deadcode Tools for KDice. Download: http://kdice.com/profile/44773121]
rednttautology on Sunday August 31, 2014 respected flags and gave kills
eurasianbro on Saturday August 23, 2014 Good fair solid player
Preston on Thursday August 21, 2014 2014-07-17 -- Created is Level 58 with nine (9) trophies; he is also a chat jerk and kdice jerk [Note: Nine is a correction of "six" below]. He left this review of me: "This guy is intense. I like that you have a sense of righteousness and justice Urbi...however misplaced and ungracious your way of communicating it." Dear Readers, as you know I am NOT intense--I am resolute. Some chat jerks act aggrieved and pretend to themselves that they are victims of my power when they are, in fact, the perpetrators of rudeness and the cause of the scorn raining down that they so richly deserve. Also, Dear Readers, the senses he mentions cannot be misplaced in the face of his clear incivility and, yes, poor form. Ungracious? Chat jerks reap what they sow and then whine about being reaped--and I LOVE that part. It makes me feel like my work is having some effect. But I don't do it to reform the chat jerks or Kdice jerks; we will ALWAYS have chat jerks and Kdice jerks. I do it for a better Kdice and to let the 97% who are NOT chat jerks know that the jerks do not always have it their way. If Created were to forego any jerkiness in the future, no one would be more pleased than I. ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2014-07-17 -- Created is Level 58 with six (6) trophies; he is also a chat jerk and kdice jerk. He also pretends not to care about points. His six trophies prove he doesn't care about points, right? All chat below is verbatim as it always is. ++++++++++ [Note: Created can't stop himself from letting us all know he knows better than we do how to--what? Play Kdice?] ---------- Created: left you a way out ---------- Created: tsk tsk [Note: Supercilious.] ---------- Created: poor form ########## [Note: Tsk-tsk, Created. Created doesn't realize, of course, the irony of using such poor form as his superciliousness to say "poor form." Self-examination and civility don't exist to Created.] ---------- Urbi et Orbi: it is also poor form to try to play the game in chat... ---------- Urbi et Orbi: but most of you trophy guys do it ---------- Created: haha ---------- Urbi et Orbi: you guys cannot play without your spoken and unspoken truces ---------- Urbi et Orbi: you just can't ---------- Urbi et Orbi: what you COULD do is to save your spoken and unspoken truces for the higher tables ---------- Urbi et Orbi: don't bring them here ---------- Created: hey ---------- Created: fuck off ########## ---------- Created: no truce intended ---------- Created: but still ---------- Created: fuck off ########## ---------- Urbi et Orbi: EXACTLY what i would have predicted a trophy guy like you would say ---------- Urbi et Orbi: also, you DID chat up your chances ---------- Urbi et Orbi: why? ---------- Urbi et Orbi: because you HAVE to ---------- Urbi et Orbi: you don't know any other way to play ---------- Urbi et Orbi: sad really ---------- Created: i think you would say this whole repoirtoire no matter what i did ---------- Created: you say this stuff all the time ---------- Created: i dont truce on 0 tables ---------- Urbi et Orbi: only when it is true ---------- Created: but you woulda found a way to say it anyway ---------- Urbi et Orbi: "i left you a way out"!!!!! ---------- Created: yeh ---------- Created: so i could eat purples tail ---------- Urbi et Orbi: see? you don't even know what you are doing! ---------- Created: figured it was fair ########## [Note: Created has no clue does he, Dear Readers?] ---------- Urbi et Orbi: it is fair--for YOU ---------- Created: exactly ---------- Created: that was the goal ---------- Created: lol ---------- Created: you serious little nutter ---------- Created: chill the fuck ouit ########## ---------- Created: look at all my points ---------- Urbi et Orbi: yes, spoken and unspoken truces ARE smart ---------- Created: i dont care about points ---------- Urbi et Orbi: and bad for the fun of the game ---------- Created: and look how long ago i got those trophys [Note: And he STILL can't play like a normal guy? Wow.] Created: CHILL BITCH ########## [Note: The height of eloquence for someone like Created.] ---------- Created: hahaha ########## [Note: Created amuses himself. Since he cares (he chatted it): Noted.] ---------- Urbi et Orbi: suuuuuure--all those trophies prove how little you care about points ---------- Created: you're a twat ########## [Note: Oh, wait. THAT was the height of Created's eloquence.] ---------- Created: cya ---------- Created: have fun twatter ########## ---------- Created has left [Note: Created runs away.]
Urbi et Orbi on Thursday July 17, 2014 good reliable player, reads the board well
Horizo on Friday June 27, 2014 |