Level 90
to level 91 |
CreatedThis player has 1 contributions to the community
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Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. subtile between the lines he silently offers silent truces and then complains why noone took it
Grux on Friday April 3, 2015 fucking douche bag doesnt honor flags
@don15037249 on Thursday March 26, 2015 Flamer. Hates dogs
I need reviews on Monday February 9, 2015 friendly backstabber
wertrew on Monday February 9, 2015 good player
HeavyMetalManiac on Thursday January 29, 2015 pro player with honor
dnaa on Saturday January 17, 2015 idiot fuck you mother prostitute im add moron im kil homic,player vazelin!
bivo on Wednesday December 3, 2014 not trustworthy whatsoever... consider yourself warned...
Szibbs on Thursday October 30, 2014 hahahhahhahahhahahhahhahahhahahhahhahahahhahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahah
timquick on Wednesday October 29, 2014 thanks for reviewing me
Troy11 on Sunday October 12, 2014 |