Level 57
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Balrog75Add a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. i only watched him play but he had no idea. He is noobish and childish.
dave the rave2 on Wednesday April 7, 2010 backstabber - "respects" flag, then doesn't let you fight for 2nd.. don't trust
Virlomi on Saturday March 27, 2010 lol i like ure reveiws m8
tdyson on Friday March 26, 2010 perhaps because you don't respect verbal flag and you attck to put your friend having a better rank... Moreover, you cut the sentence ! I had i'll flag out. And you say : " i'll attack you "[understand spliting you in two part of 6 lands]. I respond try it and i'll attack you. He tries, he cuts me and he dies. I think justice was done !
Balrog75 on Friday March 26, 2010 Balrog75: i'm first and i want to flag 3rd
(Question: And he wins the table... how it is possible??) (Answer: Because he is bakctabber!)
WKoA on Friday March 26, 2010 Strategic and honorable, would recommend. +1
Jeff Lebowski on Sunday March 21, 2010 Honorable player, I Always enjoy playing with him
Pezzcola on Sunday March 21, 2010 poor player. he had first n i was flagged 2nd and he attacked me out of the blue because i wasnt respecting him... no idea what he meant and he didnt wanna answer only started insulting me and questioning my education... strange player.. maybe a sad depressed boy who gets picked on a lot at school and who has to power trip against others on the internet... idk. your playing was not bad, get some social skills boy... fairplay and shit. do some sport.. try to score some pussy. sincerely, your rhaki
RHAKI LE TIGRE on Thursday March 18, 2010 PGA with Mike_Mike aka GeronimoGeronimo. Doesn't respect flags. PGE with me atm :)
chaiNblade on Wednesday March 3, 2010 did not respect my flag
Ermundo on Friday February 26, 2010 |