Level 57
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He couldve stabbed me easily (i had 1 zone), but he kept his word and lagged out.
JohnFTW on Wednesday March 23, 2011
Stupid Player i flag up 2nd and he attack me...
Akuja on Tuesday March 22, 2011
mother fucking douchebag...definitely a noob worth avoiding.
Craigd02 on Sunday March 13, 2011
maybe he is an idiot
hagoboss on Saturday March 12, 2011
moron moron moron
sukur on Friday February 18, 2011
HGWXX7 on Monday February 14, 2011
very honorable player
^Rm on Wednesday January 26, 2011
ego ego :) confirmed no flag respect. It doesn't matter couse that make his dick bigger i'm sure
iGrey on Monday May 31, 2010
doesn't respect flags at all
bored_guy on Saturday April 10, 2010
Just answering your question regarding my earlier review: A player on the board accepted all players flags but mine for NO apparent reason (he even refused to explain why). You just sat back gloating and enjoyed him giving you 2nd on a silver platter instead of helping me against him or just flagging out like other players did so i get the position i deserved.
orenf on Thursday April 8, 2010
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