Level 57
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I agree with thegrimlavalamp. very respectful, honourable player.
<script> on Thursday February 25, 2010
Honorable player. I was behind him with two lands, he had 9, opponent had 8, first had been flagged to and was chillin. Balrog promises me 3rd to stay still, and ends up losing the battle for second. Rather than trying to flag 3rd and fight me, he accepts defeat and says "as i said brown you got 3rd" before idling out." Very respectable. Took a loss to stand by his word.
TheGrimLavaLamp on Wednesday February 24, 2010
garbage its rigth this pice of shit call me a noob for a entire day only because i screwed hes game and he dont won first grow up little bastard, not always goona win the first pussy
luxsolis on Wednesday February 24, 2010
Garbage, just garbage.
The_FigWasp on Tuesday February 23, 2010
saw him play so slicky and eventually always win, even from a poor start.... I must add that he was very upset about my comment and refused to accept my flag because of the comment which again deepens my conviction that the comment was absolutely right - if you read on, the majority of the reviews also have a similar tendency, I wonder why...
SHO-GUN on Thursday February 18, 2010
pga proVVe NOOB
canzianinoob on Tuesday February 16, 2010
very nice player ;]
ProVVe on Tuesday February 16, 2010
may i ask if you have sadistic moments ????
PRESIDENT N° 1 on Monday February 15, 2010
he seems to have a good memory - obviously i am not the only one he PGEs because he hates me (how could i dare to attack him?)
FastFourier on Sunday February 14, 2010
Sad and pathetic, not respecting flags HE ASKED FOR!
Fre4k on Saturday February 13, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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