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Gurgi wrote
at 8:21 PM, Tuesday March 31, 2009 EDT
Gurgi finishes the tournament 1st and wins 22,750◆
Gurgi wrote
at 1:43 PM, Monday March 30, 2009 EDT
Dealing river: [Th]
Gurgi checks
billyjack69 bets $1,660,000
Gurgi calls
Gurgi shows [5h, 5d] for a full house, fives full of Kings
billyjack69 shows [Td, Ts] for a full house, tens full of Kings
billyjack69 wins main pot $3,950,000
Gurgi wrote
at 2:43 PM, Saturday March 21, 2009 EDT
Gurgi shows [7h, 5s] for a full house, sevens full of fives
grnt shows [Js, Jd] for a full house, Jacks full of sevens
grnt wins main pot $4,140,000
kimmy382 wrote
at 11:44 PM, Friday March 20, 2009 EDT
its oki, the old lady that tried to run me over's SUV was no match against my awesome kimmyness... ow :[
Gurgi wrote
at 11:01 AM, Saturday March 14, 2009 EDT
Gurgi: is here
*Silence Please* has left
chipsahoy has left
GermanBuzz20 has left
Gargamel has left
henkie2600 has left
Gr8Scott has left
Gurgi: where is everyone going?
merhoops has left
double10 has left
JoFan has left
Bighomie has left
link4 has left
dr. zoidberg 69 wrote
at 10:16 PM, Thursday March 12, 2009 EDT
nice medals
kellykellymoore wrote
at 10:25 AM, Thursday March 12, 2009 EDT
ack..it didn't post over it..lol. Ok so i sound trashy. Whatev. =)
kellykellymoore wrote
at 10:25 AM, Thursday March 12, 2009 EDT
Ok, posting over that..somehow it sounded a lil trashy..lol. S when we goin swimmin?
kellykellymoore wrote
at 10:21 AM, Thursday March 12, 2009 EDT
G...we really need to go swimmin. Like now. Call me.
Gurgi wrote
at 7:02 PM, Wednesday March 11, 2009 EDT
im.back raises $100,000
Gurgi raises $966,190
im.back calls
Dealing turn: [2s]
Dealing river: [6d]
im.back shows [9c, Kh] for a pair of nines
Gurgi shows [Th, Qs] for a pair of Queens
Gurgi wins main pot $2,322,380
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
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