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Gurgi wrote
at 10:27 AM, Tuesday April 7, 2009 EDT
maveryk shows [9h, 9c] for two pair, tens and nines
Gurgi shows [Jd, Jc] for a full house, Jacks full of tens
Skafista shows [9s, Ks] for a flush Ace high
Gurgi wins main pot $271,550
Gurgi wins side pot $82,300
quickcut wrote
at 5:38 AM, Tuesday April 7, 2009 EDT
do you think kimmy and superchole are still up to old tricks? have you seen something lately that i have not?
TheCinders wrote
at 9:33 PM, Sunday April 5, 2009 EDT
BLAH!!! :D Hi.
Gurgi wrote
at 7:43 PM, Sunday April 5, 2009 EDT
Pane89 shows [Th, Ac] for a full house, Aces full of tens
Gurgi shows [4d, Ad] for a full house, Aces full of fours
Pane89 wins main pot $173,484
Gurgi wins side pot $67,742

Gurgi wrote
at 10:27 AM, Saturday April 4, 2009 EDT
Gurgi's turn
bombadil defended 5v4, 13 to 16, (2,2,6,1,2 to 2,5,4,5)
bombadil defended 6v4, 16 to 17, (2,1,2,4,2,5 to 4,5,6,2)
bombadil defended 5v4, 14 to 22, (1,4,2,1,6 to 6,5,5,6)
Gurgi wrote
at 2:46 PM, Friday April 3, 2009 EDT
Gurgi: gd night
Marice: night G
mystery man: gnite smurfy
kellykellymoore: nite NooP

Whats my Name :P
Gurgi wrote
at 4:15 PM, Wednesday April 1, 2009 EDT
arg ..how did that happen
Gurgi wrote
at 4:14 PM, Wednesday April 1, 2009 EDT
congrats on getting one million chips in career! :)
misst56 wrote
at 12:14 AM, Wednesday April 1, 2009 EDT
Hip, hip, hooray!!
GREAT job G!!!!!!!! congrats!
gl next :)
Marice wrote
at 11:32 PM, Tuesday March 31, 2009 EDT
Another fun month Gurgi...Thanks. Well done on 10th.
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