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Gurgi wrote
at 7:39 PM, Saturday April 18, 2009 EDT
hey Sachii are you free tonight or will it cost me? :P
sa|ch| wrote
at 2:34 PM, Saturday April 18, 2009 EDT
dude..you tard=P
kellykellymoore wrote
at 9:11 AM, Friday April 17, 2009 EDT
Startin to get warm here...we really need to go swimmin. =)
RoaringLamb wrote
at 7:16 PM, Thursday April 16, 2009 EDT
I meant to put a heart... but it wouldn't let me :P so... <3
RoaringLamb wrote
at 7:15 PM, Thursday April 16, 2009 EDT
I missed you too Josh &#9829;
Gurgi wrote
at 7:56 PM, Saturday April 11, 2009 EDT
Dealing river: [Jh]
rushwing bets $540,000
Gurgi calls
rushwing shows [Ks, 6s] for two pair, sixs and fours
Gurgi shows [8h, 8d] for two pair, eights and fours
Gurgi wins main pot $1,600,000
Gurgi wrote
at 9:22 PM, Friday April 10, 2009 EDT
rushwing shows [3d, 7d] for two pair, sevens and threes
Gurgi shows [5d, 5c] for three fives
Gurgi wins main pot $3,270,000
Gurgi wrote
at 10:09 AM, Friday April 10, 2009 EDT
Grande BALLS shows [Td, Ah] for a pair of Aces
Gurgi shows [7d, 5d] for a flush Ace high
Gurgi wins main pot $1,000,000
TheCinders wrote
at 5:48 PM, Wednesday April 8, 2009 EDT
Gurgi wrote
at 3:36 PM, Wednesday April 8, 2009 EDT
Gurgi shows [Js, As] for a flush Ace high
native son shows [5s, Ks] for a flush King high
Gurgi wins main pot $1,015,000
Gurgi wins side pot $42,500
native son stands up
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
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