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kimmy382 wrote
at 4:23 PM, Wednesday March 11, 2009 EDT
lol, heyyyyyy
acidfud wrote
at 5:46 PM, Tuesday March 10, 2009 EDT
lmao i wonder where my post went.
oh well.
now you wont know what i wrote. XD
Gurgi wrote
at 8:36 PM, Monday March 9, 2009 EDT
Gurgi shows [8c, Td] for a pair of eights
Gargamel shows [9c, 7c] for Queen high
Gurgi wins main pot $1,040,000
Gurgi wrote
at 8:34 PM, Monday March 9, 2009 EDT
Dealing river: [Jd]
Gargamel bets $20,000
Gurgi raises $70,000
Gargamel raises $360,000
Gurgi calls
Gurgi shows [Kc, Jc] for two pair, Kings and Jacks
Gargamel shows [4s, 5c] for Ace high
Gurgi wins main pot $840,000
Gurgi wrote
at 4:39 PM, Monday March 9, 2009 EDT
Gargamel bets $527,278
Gurgi calls
Dealing river: [6d]
Gurgi shows [9s, 9d] for a full house, nines full of sixs
Gargamel shows [Jc, 7d] for a pair of sixs
Gurgi wins main pot $1,045,000
Gargamel wins side pot $112,278
Gargamel stands up
Gargamel takes a seat
Gurgi wrote
at 10:46 PM, Sunday March 8, 2009 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [5d, 5s]
charliedontsurf calls
Gurgi calls
Gargamel calls
johnjordan checks
Dealing flop: [Ah, 5c, Qc]
Gargamel checks
johnjordan bets $5,000
charliedontsurf calls
Gurgi raises $15,000
Gargamel folds
johnjordan calls
charliedontsurf calls
Dealing turn: [5h]
johnjordan checks
charliedontsurf checks
Gurgi bets $10,000
johnjordan calls
charliedontsurf calls
Dealing river: [Qh]
totah takes a seat
johnjordan bets $50,000
charliedontsurf folds
Gurgi raises $465,000
johnjordan calls
Gurgi shows [5d, 5s] for four fives
johnjordan shows [Ks, Qs] for a full house, Queens full of fives
Gurgi wins main pot $1,025,000
Gurgi wrote
at 8:50 PM, Sunday March 8, 2009 EDT
Gurgi finishes the tournament 1st and wins $346,500
kellykellymoore wrote
at 11:29 PM, Sunday March 1, 2009 EST
Great job, G! Let's go swimmin...ur payin.
Matilda wrote
at 3:39 PM, Sunday March 1, 2009 EST
acidfud wrote
at 12:09 PM, Sunday March 1, 2009 EST
Yay! 1st! Game twins now. :P
Congrats man. (:
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KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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