Level 61
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intelligent and honorable player, can be trusted in a counter
grandgnu on Tuesday September 7, 2010
flags and attacks.
evilsamurai on Saturday July 17, 2010
PGA, dont trust him, idiot, farmer, backstabber
@petersonly on Friday July 16, 2010
i dont read reviews
HanseHase on Sunday March 28, 2010
I don't think we get along at all. Being on an island just the 2 of us, the survivor would have a lonely time for sure.
Louis Cypher on Wednesday March 24, 2010
doesnt respect flags, asshole
jalco on Saturday March 13, 2010
I tend just to put positive reviews, but HanseHase accepted flags from everyone, got 1/2 the table for dom, then started killing people for no apparent reason. I possibly did better than I should have because of this, but that type of behaviour sucks - no reason whatsoever to do it.
Retne on Thursday February 25, 2010
Alright player - truced when he was behind me while he stacked, i cleared the board, and he kills me at the end, slightly disappointed.
Dave H on Friday February 19, 2010
thanks for the win
Pocketchange on Wednesday February 10, 2010
Thumbs up.
Kaldrick on Friday January 22, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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