Level 61
to level 62 |
HanseHaseAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. Flags early and doesn't respect others flags
Jinks on Saturday October 22, 2011 pussy
r0n on Wednesday October 5, 2011 doesn't respect flags.
moTTom on Friday July 29, 2011 What a complete asshole. very unfair player. i understand the reviews now
DED on Tuesday March 15, 2011 shitty player. his reviews do his personality much justice.
Ampyxx on Friday January 21, 2011 fails to understand 2vs2
BigGameHunter on Thursday January 20, 2011 Fucking sucker.... Dumb ass
Krispice on Monday December 20, 2010 Completely unable to read the board. Screwed over the people helping him repeatedly, screwed over the people who flagged to him, and as a result turned a very easy 1st place into 4th when everyone turned on him.
Xanth on Wednesday December 8, 2010 total, total douche nazi
HGWXX7 on Friday November 26, 2010 doesnt respect flags
walter zenga on Thursday November 25, 2010 |