Level 61
to level 62


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funny guy
ml83 on Tuesday January 12, 2010
just a small piece of losing shit. kill this pga asshole always first. depp
cinzano on Friday September 25, 2009
Just a kid...
The_Chiller on Tuesday August 25, 2009
great player, lots of humor, does not take himself and the game too serious. @ Kaylin: ... he is funny, you're not
fickbumsblas on Saturday August 15, 2009
right out of the gate you start calling me arrogant and telling people to kill me. I don't know what your problem is, but if you consider it to be funny, it's not.
Kaylin on Friday July 24, 2009
Cunt PGA: TobiHeidi + HanseHase + kroust. They PGA on the high level maps and should be banned.
AxeI on Wednesday July 22, 2009
When he is second , he play to kill third maybe to help his friend who is 5th. No life no brain poor idiot.
AsHile on Wednesday July 8, 2009
is pga with kroust
Thunder 400 on Monday July 6, 2009
miserable player. killed me although I flagged to him. does not respect flags.
tommuc on Friday June 19, 2009
loved his spirit! best fun playing with him! fair and honest.
poly_p47 on Monday June 15, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary