Level 85
to level 86 |
wishboneI already won December, the server just hasn't updated yet.
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Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. Nothing against wish, but bomb is the real 1st this month. And this treatment of cutting him just at the end of the month doesn´t seem fair. Bad 1st.
TiS on Thursday May 1, 2008 WOW WISHbone,CONGRATS...
nexon on Thursday May 1, 2008 Hey twat features. I understand you like to buy things? Like first place for example?
rifty on Thursday May 1, 2008 congratulations my title as minister of economy has gone. BADGE STOLEN.
BatmanDan on Thursday May 1, 2008 Wishbone, congratz man, you are on the cover of the next issue of "Space and Astronomy". It looks like they discovered a new impressive galaxy and decided to name it after you.
Holy Roller, Mudshovel played 1100 games himself, ya think he might have free time to play for bomb?
jurgen on Thursday May 1, 2008 Ok, wish, u knew this was gonna come:
Wtf, dont feel any guilt by spoiling this game...
Shame on you!
This was disappointing...
m_tormenta on Thursday May 1, 2008 I just noticed, the best part is that your max score doesn't include donations =)
Rank Player Score Best/Worst Max/Min
1st wishbone 116,247◆ ↑6,830 / ↓2,589 58,747◆ / 2,585◆
2nd XxDiceyGirlxX 108,810◆ ↑4,007 / ↓2,637 88,961◆ / 2,131◆
3rd Bombardier DS 65 95,182◆ ↑6,205 / ↓2,754 95,182◆ / 1,324◆
Holy Roller on Thursday May 1, 2008 Mudshovel has to be on team bomb, right?
Holy Roller on Thursday May 1, 2008 best 1st place ever!
Holy Roller on Thursday May 1, 2008 Wow!!! I thought dicey was lame for spending $45 to take over first from the "real" April champion bombardier. But this joker spent $115 to take over first. That's just hilarious. And to be quite honest a little pathetic. Bombardier is the real Champ this month and anybody that takes the time to check it out knows it.
Mudshovel on Wednesday April 30, 2008 |