Level 85
to level 86 |
wishboneI already won December, the server just hasn't updated yet.
This player has 1 contributions to the community
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Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. now THAT is a sweet avatar!
Holy Roller on Saturday April 26, 2008 a fair, nice and even tempered fellow.
UnderneathDicey on Tuesday April 22, 2008 Oddly enough, I was just reading some Calvin & Hobbes last night.
Run Faster on Tuesday April 22, 2008 spaceman spiff ftw
montecarlo on Tuesday April 22, 2008 A fine chap to have a spot of tea with.
rabbidmonkey4 on Monday April 21, 2008 I think Mercantile tends to complain a lot.
TiS on Monday April 21, 2008 Really a caniving player.
wishbone: john help
wishbone: me
wishbone: kill teal
wishbone: take 2nd
He was in last place. If it weren't for a turn in luck on 8v8's he could have finagled a 3rd place.
He's the reason why this game sucks. His strategy is rubbing everyone the right way, and using people when they're maluable.
Mercantile on Monday April 21, 2008 wish someone said you didnt earn your first place?...is it true or should I tell them off?
Johnson213 on Wednesday April 2, 2008 his why post was the best rant of 2008 and he now most definately warrants a vote!!
BatmanDan on Tuesday April 1, 2008 wishbone: its more worth my time to shit talk to you
wishbone: bc youre fuckin terrible, at a game you think youre good at
wishbone: little cock sucker
CuteKittens on Friday March 7, 2008 |