Level 85
to level 86 |
wishboneI already won December, the server just hasn't updated yet.
This player has 1 contributions to the community
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Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. GREATEST KDICE MONTHLY CHAMPION SINCE SNUFKIN.
Kehoe on Thursday May 1, 2008 BEST WIN EVER. EVAH!!!
Zosod on Thursday May 1, 2008 Congratulations, Wish. You not only played the game at your usual high level of skill, you gamed the system at an equally high level. You won by playing within the rules and were willing to put out the effort necessary to achieve your goal. Anybody who bitches about it should be ignored. The gold looks good on you.
Bone-Roller on Thursday May 1, 2008 LOL: http://kdice.com/strategies/ideas/44758234
what a waste of time :op
OviloN on Thursday May 1, 2008 you are pathetic.
Semper Augustus on Thursday May 1, 2008 Congrats Wish, nice win. Kdice is always something new and exciting because of the ever changing methods Ryan implements for winning, I like how you have to adjust your technique every month. The real winner is the person who understands the new rules! Congrats! Kudos to Ryan for keeping the game fun and exciting!
Big Jumblies on Thursday May 1, 2008 So basically I could play 0 games in the month and just donate a couple hundred and get 1st? That's just stupid. What are you thinking Ryan?
Nylad on Thursday May 1, 2008 I get it now. This is not a competion anymore. This is not a contest to find out who is the best kdicer. This has become an auction for 1st place. Better than that it is a sealed bid auction, because you don't know how much your fellow "bidder" may be ponying up. So if you wanna win this "auction" you have to hone your skills at bidding and not playing kdice.
Mudshovel on Thursday May 1, 2008 You should return the points and donate the money to an UNESCO organization (for example).
Man, I wonder what kind of satisfaction you got by buying this first place, when you know exactly that it's not you who had the most victories this month...
moondust on Thursday May 1, 2008 i think u now have the most hated 1st place finish....i believe flagfest was the most hated and u have elevated it to a new level lol
some say villain i say LEGEND lol
BatmanDan on Thursday May 1, 2008 |