
air wrote
at 3:31 PM, Tuesday January 2, 2007 EST
The best game change would be having the attacking die lose as many die according to the defender's rolls. This would stop running through a person's territories and other negative aspects of huge stacks early in the game. It would make people think a long time and rethink attacks besides just always attacking the smallest possible pieces. Honestly, the game would be IDEAL if this were to occur.

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fuzzycat wrote
at 9:40 AM, Wednesday January 3, 2007 EST
Please tell me, when i can test this in the sandbox, im eager to that!
Hot 4 U 1986 wrote
at 11:15 AM, Wednesday January 3, 2007 EST
fuzzycat, you are basically describing the game RISK
JKD wrote
at 11:44 AM, Wednesday January 3, 2007 EST
Why is running through a person's territories bad?
zeep wrote
at 12:26 PM, Wednesday January 3, 2007 EST
Having given this a little more thought, it may even increase a certain kind of aggressiveness, and opens up whole new avenues of play.

For example, if I didn't have to worry about losing my entire stack, I may try out an attack on a stronger player (which almost never happens now). Similarly, you could put outlying, isolated territories to good use by attacking, instead of just ignoring it.

Also, I don't think risk like dice-by-dice comparison is needed, this idea could quite reasonably be implemented by calculating the total dice roll, and removing 1 dice for every 6. So if I roll 32 with 8 dice, and my opponent rolls 24 with 6 dice, I would lose (24/6 =) 4 dice, my opponent would lose (32/6 =) 5 dice (rounded down). Or something like that.
fuzzycat wrote
at 12:49 PM, Wednesday January 3, 2007 EST
you are right, Hot 4 U 1986, that risk employs a similar concept. (And thats bad here ;o)

Altough there are 2 major differences for the kdice version:
*) All attacking dices roll! (not the 3vs2 max per attack of risk)
*) More a Proposel: You cannot stop attacking when you feel like it. The rolls go on until one army is dead or attacker has only 1 dice left.
air wrote
at 3:18 AM, Thursday January 4, 2007 EST
Very well said.
air wrote
at 3:45 AM, Thursday January 4, 2007 EST
I would also like to note that the current 16 dice version is UGH awful. Maybe implementing this loss system would be better. I hate 16 dice.
somnambulisa wrote
at 9:04 PM, Thursday January 4, 2007 EST
"Similarly, you could put outlying, isolated territories to good use by attacking, instead of just ignoring it."

Outliers are ignored because spreading them out causes dice drain and doesn't add to the amount of dice added per turn. This wouldn't change much if the odds of the outlier winning were increased, unless it was close enough to connect to the main territories, in which case someone would eventually put it on the move anyway.
somnambulisa wrote
at 9:05 PM, Thursday January 4, 2007 EST
Also, build it and I will help test it. Having to learn new strategy and subtleties is tres fun. :)
PowerSlug wrote
at 9:40 PM, Thursday January 4, 2007 EST
Call me old fashioned, but I like the game how it is now.
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
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