
Gurgi wrote
at 10:25 AM, Thursday August 19, 2010 EDT
you can leave spam warnings on a players wall

most players never check their review so it is a waste of time IMO

and ryan did give all mods the ability to post on anyones wall - for that reason

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Kdice_CPR wrote
at 6:23 AM, Sunday August 22, 2010 EDT
oh by friendly i mean, not playin for the win at the expense of being perceive as nice...i always feel like you should be respectful

i don't respect players who try to play the nice card
DoubleDogDareYa wrote
at 1:19 PM, Sunday August 22, 2010 EDT

dr. zoidberg 69 wrote
at 11:38 PM, Saturday August 21, 2010 CDT
The only positive feedback is from people like DDDY, i dont know how proud you want to be of that though.


Look deep into the eyes of the demon and you find the muck where there once was a soul. It is this place where all hope was once lively and is now lost. It's this place where the shame and lack of purpose dwells that causes the pain that torments the being.

Haters have no integrity.

the full monte wrote
at 1:30 PM, Sunday August 22, 2010 EDT
cmon thrax you gotta admit that chase overloading tourneys was funny. at least the first two times. and some of those sns were classic.
DoubleDogDareYa wrote
at 1:40 PM, Sunday August 22, 2010 EDT

Kdice_CPR wrote
at 3:01 AM, Sunday August 22, 2010 CDT
rather have whiney vflagging and backstabbing, and all that mean stuff than friendly players

...You miss my point Travis. There is a direct correlation between backstabbing, whiney vflags and cheating.

For example, in any given game, this can occur...

So 3 players in a PGA crew (or 3 proxy accounts by one player) are on the board and the game just started. One of the crew is in trouble. That player has no power and does a whiney v-flag. (btw a whiney vflag comes early when the player has no power. This differs tremendously than a vflag when the player has some destructive ability)

Anyway, the crew member in trouble does the whiney vflag under an unsuspecting non-crew member(GREEN). Now, the game progresses and there are 8 stacks everywhere. In this scenario, the battle for 1st and 2nd is being established between the leading crew member and GREEN. Well as the typical PGA/proxy con works, all of the sudden, the once powerless vflagger comes from out of nowhere and starts hitting GREEN (zoid style) All the while claiming that GREEN hit him. (which GREEN didn't). The crew continues to destroy GREEN who is bewildered by the game play. And this his how it plays out. The crew leader gets 1st, the whiney vfagger who backstabs gets 2nd or 3rd and GREEN gets 4 if lucky.

So this example is only one of several.

But my point is simple. There is a correlation between cheating and these practices. Sure anybody can and should backstab or vflag all within the rules. But the frequency of these game realities has been greatly reduced since the Mods are doing a fantastic job policing the site.

Keep up the awesome work mods.

GARY OAK wrote
at 1:46 PM, Sunday August 22, 2010 EDT
to be fair, it only took about 5 minutes to load a freeroll, if that.
GARY OAK wrote
at 2:09 PM, Sunday August 22, 2010 EDT
plus, when you make a script for it and dont confirm accounts, it was really easy.

also, quit trying to make this into a politics thread. conservatives want to widen the income gap, liberals want to keep us from becoming a third world country, and im the one being unreasonable.
GARY OAK wrote
at 2:10 PM, Sunday August 22, 2010 EDT
oh screw it, here comes the politics.

if a country becomes wealthier because rich people are getting richer while everyone else treads water, that country is no better off than it was before. and if that's the case for a given country while more wealth is being created in other countries where it isn't being concentrated solely in the hands of the very rich, then that country's well-being, relative to other countries, decreases. that's what's been going on in the US for the last few decades. it's a sign of decline.

But not an irreversible one; the US doesn't have to become a third world country, where the majority of the population struggles to take care of basic needs while a minority controls a huge proportion of the nation's wealth. and an economic crisis, in large part brought about by wealthy elites mishandling their economic power, might be just the thing to start turning the trend around.
fcuku wrote
at 2:23 PM, Sunday August 22, 2010 EDT
most of the names came from me talking with screennames at members tourneys when i got knocked out. you could piece the conversation together by looking thru the freeroll names
Thraxle wrote
at 2:32 PM, Sunday August 22, 2010 EDT
So, leaving the politics out, what part of my "reign" here has been "conservative"? I think I've done a pretty good job keeping things as clean as possible being the ONLY mod. And I'm more than happy with the impact of the new mods. Better days are ahead.
DoubleDogDareYa wrote
at 8:25 PM, Sunday August 22, 2010 EDT
So chase, I agree with your political views thus far. But your game ethics suck.
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