
Gurgi wrote
at 10:25 AM, Thursday August 19, 2010 EDT
you can leave spam warnings on a players wall

most players never check their review so it is a waste of time IMO

and ryan did give all mods the ability to post on anyones wall - for that reason

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GreekScrbbles wrote
at 2:51 PM, Saturday August 21, 2010 EDT
1 comment to 3d's post there is still alot of backstabbing from the classic players but yes compared to how this game was it is much better
fcuku wrote
at 5:13 PM, Saturday August 21, 2010 EDT
There is less whiney v-flagging (Gurgi Style), less pussy back stabbing moves (GB style), and fewer players lying about attack, then revolt bullshit (zoid style) as in prior months.

all within the rules. quit being a fag and believing in ideas like 'honor' and 'fairness.' you do whatever you can to win. if that means lying then revolting, so be it. if that means dasstabing, go for it. if that means vflagging, do it.

thats whats bothering me is the way its changing. all of the sudden, rational gameplay has been thrown out the door and replaced with even more friend-dicing. Thraxle's Conservative Online Dice Paradise Is Enormously Changing Everything (Thraxle's CODPIECE), and I dont like it.
Gurgi wrote
at 6:45 PM, Saturday August 21, 2010 EDT
lol . . . i hi again

i wasnt saying that what bone was doing is wrong

simply giving him advice that it might be more constructive to the players you are warning if you leave a note on their wall/profile since it sends them an email when you do this and is viewed more often.
greekboi wrote
at 9:56 PM, Saturday August 21, 2010 EDT
i love when DDDY acknowledges me
DoubleDogDareYa wrote
at 10:21 PM, Saturday August 21, 2010 EDT
Fcuku's posts are always insightful.

Look deep into the eyes of the demon and you find the muck where there once was a soul. It is this place where all hope was once lively and is now lost. It's this place where the shame and lack of purpose dwells that causes the pain that torments the being.

Haters have no integrity.
dr. zoidberg 69 wrote
at 11:38 PM, Saturday August 21, 2010 EDT
The only positive feedback is from people like DDDY, i dont know how proud you want to be of that though.
TheBetterYodel wrote
at 12:21 AM, Sunday August 22, 2010 EDT
Your mom banned both accs.
Bone-Roller wrote
at 2:25 AM, Sunday August 22, 2010 EDT
My bad, Gurgi. I misunderstood your post. Please accept my apology.
Kdice_CPR wrote
at 3:01 AM, Sunday August 22, 2010 EDT
rather have whiney vflagging and backstabbing, and all that mean stuff than friendly players
Thraxle wrote
at 6:09 AM, Sunday August 22, 2010 EDT
Zoid, when the only people in the thread being negative are you, Chase, and Jona, I'd say that's a sign that things are impoving.

By the way, nice acronym Chase. Do you still miss the days of wasting an hour loading freeroll tournies with the countless accounts you spent hours making by spending countless more hours creating new email addys? Also, typical dem remark by creating a catchy acronym and throwing the word conservative in it.
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