
Grunvagr - a moderator
mozzer wrote
at 12:30 AM, Sunday May 18, 2008 EDT
Dan is Short has left

response Grunvagr :
12:17 AM, zondag mei 18, 2008 CDT

" Everyone is allowed an outburst or ten. People will throw worse things at you in life. Grow a thicker skin.

I do not tolerate crap, but I dont moderate a mere slap.

That rhymed. I rock. "

response mozzer :
i wasn't the object of hate, Grunvagr -
and if you want to tolerate racism you just should do

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leekstep wrote
at 10:47 PM, Friday June 27, 2008 EDT
Fiero is not a saint for sure. Fiero did supposedly had interest in moderating the game, doing something about blatant PGAs, shared accounts, team play.
Ryan and Grun made it clear they didnt care to get involved in addressing PGAs, team play, shared accounts, etc.

Ryan and Grun dont care. Fiero was told not to get involved in the politics and cheating, and just worry about moderating the hateful n00bs.

Fiero is a mod, and probably has the access to enact some form of punishment on the PGAs, team play shared accounts which have been described as against the rules...

But I doubt Fiero will do it in light of the resounding lack of support from Ryan for enforcing the rules.

Anyway, you are right that Fiero bears some blame for the sad state of affairs if Fiero doesnt step up and do what is right.
unlucky9999 wrote
at 11:04 PM, Friday June 27, 2008 EDT
Im not just talking about as a mod, but as a player as well. ANd you know as well as i do that he's not "cleanest" or "fairest" players and im a bit surprised that he's not on top of your list
nuflis wrote
at 4:23 AM, Saturday June 28, 2008 EDT
"XCRobin is the most remembered player in kdice."


At least he wrote the most voted strategy guide.
nuflis wrote
at 4:26 AM, Saturday June 28, 2008 EDT
And what is wrong with a shared account?, how can it be considered cheating? what's unfair to the others in it?

And leek... what are you looking for?
Grunvagr wrote
at 8:34 AM, Saturday June 28, 2008 EDT
I hate pgas, all types of cheating, and so on. I don't support it - and everything I've ever done in this game from playing and declining pga offers since day one support that. As for moderating, I'm not even aware of many of the cheating problems. I know OF pgas but I dont know who's in them, or how I would even start to go about moderating that. It's not like I have access to IP #s, whos logging in on what account at what time from what pc, and moderating how people use AIM / instant messenger accounts is impossible at the moment (how the hell would or could I check that?). Because I don't do anything doesnt mean I don't dislike the situation.

I've tried to address it by helping to cultivate a culture where pga'ers are seen as losers and the only victims are themselves - because they strip themselves (and others) the joy of a pure kdice game, which is amazingly fun and unpredictable. What good is an 8th place trophy if you know in your heart it's tainted and you didn't earn it, let alone winning 1st in a month. If you win first in a month by cheating then everytime you look at the trophy you will see it not as golden but as piss yellow, because you pissed all over the kbeautiful game.

Mods are new, advisors are new; certain problems are old- expecting instant fixes overnight is unrealistic. What is realistic is trying to set the framework for cleaning up cheating in the future by coming up with ideas that help to make things safer / more fair. I hate pgas with a passion. I've been invited to more than I care to remember and i've declined every single one, much to the chagrin of many friends whose names I DO have on aim. They are good friends of mine - yet in games I will gladly ally them, or bury them into 7th if I need to connect. That's how I play and it's more fun that way - and I think that's a major reason why many of my friends still respect me in a weird way.

Bashing me or other advisors, though, doesn't really achieve anything. If what you want to achieve is to better the game then help suggest realistic ways to record waht people say in games, to record login / account data that's suspicious, etc. I'm not gonna go around banning people left and right on suspicions of cheating. I'd like all cheating to stop but I'm not going to give an entire classroom a suspension because a few rotten apples acted up. There's gotta be a better way.
rifty wrote
at 9:06 AM, Saturday June 28, 2008 EDT

What I'm starting to like about you, mate,is that you're not frightened to stand up and say your bit, and this may surprise you,but I think I was wrong in saying you're a bad mod. I think you're a fair person, trying to do your best in pretty rough circumstances.

Here's my ten cents. To me, this dice game is about winning. You're allowed to chat, and you're allowed to make friends. I personally dont have a problem if players extend their friendships into their gameplay. Lots of games have clans etc, and utislising a friendship to win is part of the game. What I do have a much more of a problem with is the way players are allowed to abuse others racially. Thats not nice, its not funny,and elsehwere its universally discouraged. I can take losing to a couple of players who might be friends and playing together with a pinch of salt. What I dont want is to be called a nigger,and I dont want to see other players called it either. This goes for all other racial/ethnic abuse language too,obviously. I come here to play (win orlose),not to be abused.

Anyway Grun, carry on the good work mate, and apologies for any hurt I may have caused you. You, at least ,didnt deserve it.
lovekdicetodeath wrote
at 3:15 AM, Sunday June 29, 2008 EDT
"Racism isn't a problem on kdice. There's always going to be a few idiots where ever you go in life. If someone is consistently harassing you, then ask a mod to mute them. But, if you catch someone saying something bad once or twice, just avoid them."

repeating what i said in the advisor blog - then what system do you have to keep track of repeated offenders?
Blabbo wrote
at 5:18 AM, Sunday June 29, 2008 EDT
totally agree with mozzer, lovekdicetodeath and clarkebar

Grunvagr wrote
at 12:23 PM, Sunday June 29, 2008 EDT
lktd, harassment is something that has everything to do with how someone's actions or words make another person feel - not neccessarily the letters that compose a word in a dictionary.

For instance, to my ears, you are a total jackass. Now why is this? Because you annoy the fuck out of me.

Now as a mod, I have to contain rage and not let it show - but the point is, right now, you're pissing me the fuck off more than if someone was to call me a fuckin dickless fuckoff yadda yadda best insult in the world. You havn't cussed but the fact you say the exact same thing a bajillion times in half a billion posts is annoying as fuck to me. I'm pissed off at you and would love to see you muted or kicked off a tall cliff.

Is that nice, no. That's how I feel.

Am I gonna mute your forum posting rights, no - there's no reason to. But that's my point.

Harassment takes many forms. Right now I feel deeply harassed that you senselessly keep repeating the same fucking shit post after post, in posts relating to this issue, in posts relating to celtics and red sox games, in posts relating to athlete's foot, in postsfucking everywhere. It almost feels like spam in a game where someone is saying

RED can suck it!!!!#!@!

RED can suck it!!!!#!@!

RED can suck it!!!!#!@!

RED can suck it!!!!#!@!

RED can suck it!!!!#!@!

RED can suck it!!!!#!@!

it's ***that*** annoying to me.

If you called me any possible insult you could imagine, I wouldnt be offended. Your constantly, ceaseless fucking spam however, offends me mercilessly.

See how harassment is hard to quantify?

Do me a favor. Contribute with an idea in the idea forum on how to improve the game, and actually think it through thoroughly, first, as to whether it would be feasible to impliment or code in the game, how it could help, etc.

DONT continue to post the same message in every post on kdice, everywhere.

This message was highly rude? To you, perhaps. It feel youve made me feel like shit for so long by wearing horseblinds and earplugs when I'm trying to talk to you that honestly I dont care at the moment.
Grunvagr wrote
at 12:27 PM, Sunday June 29, 2008 EDT
"what system do you have to keep track of repeated offenders?"

Answer: We are working on it.
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KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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