
Integral rnd Montecarlo
leekstep wrote
at 11:44 PM, Saturday June 30, 2007 EDT

Most players have been pissed off lately by PGAs, secret ones that arent coordinated by actions on the board or in the chat box.

There was a group of people who seemed to be doing this the most, whom i call the cabal.

According to integral and montecarlo, The cabal is: cabal: rnd, riser, wishbone, dasfury, montecarlos, vermont, integral, bcmatteagles, x luck x, xcrobin

During my investigation, I met many people interested in taking down the cabal. The cabal would base their gameplay on instant messages. (the game to most people is about working the board and the chat box, deciding the game over a group of people on instant messenger is not part of the game). We even formed an informal team to take down the cabal.

Last month, our team decided that the best anti-PGA, and anti-cabal effort...
...would be helping X LUCK X beat rnd. Rnd had become cocky and everyone in kDice knew he was fixing games with people on IM. They would domfuck and manufacture finishes and make the game unnatural, elongated, and boring.

Our team succeeded in getting X LUCK X first, and I think we sort of taught rnd a lesson.

But then Luck had an elo that was undeserved and too high, and the cabal needed to PGA even more to compete with him. And so it went, IMs and PGAs intensifying (instead of teaching a lesson against PGAs, it only caused more).

This month i was able to infiltrate the cabal by chatting with them, and they started being nice to me. Eventually i was accepted by them and invited to join them in their cheating.

Mikeypoo has also wanted to take down the cabal, and I invited him to witness the cheating of the cabal.

I have attached the log for the first flagfest...
I beleive this is when Integral took first elo (see related news event).

There was a second flagfest (when Integral took first overall there is also a news avent).

Just by reading the public news events, everyone was able to see that Integral was winning his games in the first round or two.

Anyone who bothered to check the news can see that the game is ruled by a farce. A cheater broke the game to win it!

Please note that I'm hoping for immunity for me and Mikeypoo, because our only goal was to take these cheaters down. That's why we were involved, to spy on them.

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montecarlo wrote
at 2:11 PM, Monday July 2, 2007 EDT
laughter is the best medicine. here are things i laugh at:

1) leek addressed this to Ryan, but posted it in a public forum.
2) the cabal is more complex than it is made out to be. not everyone will pga with everyone. i have never pga'd with riser, although i do respect him. lots of 'members' hate rnd with a passion. each 'member' has different levels of friendship with each other... like int is my best, then wishbone, etc....
3) my favorite cover-up for pga: "damn lag!!" which i believe integral came up with? whenever it was obvious he could rape a pga, he would cleverly 'lag out', so no one would see the pga. i think it was X LUCK X, who one time tried to pull this, but unflagged in the middle of his 'lag'. of course, no one caught this, heh.
4) i love the dirty cops. the first one i ran into was algios (sorry dude), who decided to go public against all of his friends who pga'd with each other. everyone embraced algios, since he called us out for pga-ing... but he didnt say anything about how he had benefitted so much from these pgas. the next to do it was leekstep, who claims he is innocent of all this publicly, but privately he cannot deny that he pga'd before he ever ran into the 'cabal'. i hate it when people try to call out others for pga-ing, but never admit that they do it too. sheesh. lighten up, you dirty cops.
5) the elite of the cabal exchanged login info, and would have fun with each other thereafter. when i would actually lag out, integral would jump in and log in as me, and save my game. i finally changed my password when at the end of the month, rnd logged in as me and changed my profile pic to "will pga for money", with a green square as well. he did this to int as well. at least we think it was rnd, heh.
6) the fact that int got 1st. that is hilarious. and well-deserved, since he is known as the nicest and 2nd-best strategist in kdice.
7) the fact that leek had the power to keep integral from 1st and the power to keep the flagfests from happening, but instead decided to be one of the seven who made this happen. and now claims that he is innocent. when he was the CRITICAL piece to make it happen. funny.
7) the stories of leek and his chinese mistresses.

there are a lot more, and i will post them as i remember them. this community is so screwed up.
Leek Killer wrote
at 2:12 PM, Monday July 2, 2007 EDT
You have gone far enough. You have upset the Those stars won't protect you. You and your 30-year-old friends are losers. I'm coming for you hoser. Get a life learn how to "win" American style and quit ruining our Um if i gave you five bucks would you buy me and my friends some Pabst Blue Ribbon? We can wait outside the store. Legally we are not adults.... GGAAYYYY
Wicked! wrote
at 2:13 PM, Monday July 2, 2007 EDT
I love the kdice community.
Roll 'em wrote
at 2:29 PM, Monday July 2, 2007 EDT
Happier than ever to be a mediocre player that won't ever get close to the 2000 tables.

And I think this discussion jumped the shark when the term "the elite of the cabal" could be used with a straight face.
Leek Killer wrote
at 2:43 PM, Monday July 2, 2007 EDT
I loved wicked......
I am not shamosM
5er wrote
at 2:54 PM, Monday July 2, 2007 EDT
i am shocked and disgusted by the behaviour of some of the people in this thread.

...especially integral, who as a Canadian should have been spending time with real life friends and bottles of alcohol on Canada Day than wasting time on something silly as fending off attacks on teh intarnets from angry kDicers.

for shame!
montecarlo wrote
at 3:06 PM, Monday July 2, 2007 EDT
wishbone wrote
at 3:31 PM, Monday July 2, 2007 EDT
best investigation ever. did you call reno911???
jochn wrote
at 4:17 PM, Monday July 2, 2007 EDT

1/ the saying"learn to win American style" (quote Leekstep somewhere here). They are playing American style. You think America goes to war without PGA, OTF or whatever (they have all diplomatic names for it not to chock the public and all)

But again, I think everyonewhoplaysherefor rating is absurd. But they can amuse themselves
Guit wrote
at 5:39 PM, Monday July 2, 2007 EDT
i do not understand why you can not play for rating? i like this game and it is fun if you win, and i like to see my score go up, so that i can see that i get better at the game

i do not care about the flagfest, what i do care about is people trucing before the game begins en because of that you do not stand a chance, it is mostly about fun, flagfest do not affect me, but pga do
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