
The Future & Point Whores
Posted By: Ryan at 10:01 PM, Thursday July 24, 2008 EDT
I'm at a point where I'm rethinking quite a few things about the structure and future of the games. I want to get feedback about the future of this game from the people who love this game as much as I do.

First of all I'd like to let all the point whores know that since they don't respect the game, I don't respect their opinion for this question. Accumulating points is meant to be secondary with the fun of the game of primary importance - and the majority of everyone has it right.

So, let me know your thoughts and ideas. I'd like to hear big long term vision ideas and not features like mouse-over-display or game playback (although these are great featuers). If you were to forget everything about kdice except the in-game experience how would build big and great things around it?

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Mikeypoo wrote
at 6:07 PM, Tuesday July 29, 2008 EDT

I Just got a chance to read your thread. THANK YOU! For closing the points loophole. That is the main thing people have been so angry about the last two months. It is a credit to you that you closed it. And the interactions with the community have been incredible.

I think a lot of the ideas on this thread are brilliant. I especially appreciated Sarahplaying's ideas. Kdice is lucky to have people like Sarah. Bravo Ryan on fixing the scandalous point buying bug!!! Too bad it was abused one last time in the hours before it was closed.

Anyway GJ Ryan we all appreciate it!
Grunvagr wrote
at 6:43 PM, Tuesday July 29, 2008 EDT
I always like the strategy aspects of kdice so here's an idea ive been working on for over 6 months now. This could either be done overall (though i'd rather not) or it could (and should) be tested heavily on a fun / test server.

There should be more strategy type moves in a game of luck. So here's my proposition. Have special effects, one time use special moves that can open up countless tactical changes to the game.
Territorial Medallions

Have territorial medallions. Add MORE territories in a game initially which start off as grey. They can have varying dice amounts, but they need to be difficult to conquer, 5 dice or more as a minimum.

Each territory would have a medallion that can be used with a special effect - but of course, you take a risk to capture the territory because you can lose to the grey dice as well..


Have three different effects.

A medallion of aggression,
A medallion of renegeration,
and a medallion of defense.

Capturing the medallion in a game gives you the benefit. It can be used ONCE, then it is spent up, however, the player that USES a medallion should be vulnerable, SINCE they have such a tremendous benefit. Here's the vulnerability.

IF the player uses a medallion's effect in a game (they can choose to use or not use it) then if ANY other player kills that player off the board, they get bonus points - or some scoring benefit (ie, steal the players dom points, etc).

The abilities provided:

* aggression - This is an offensive risk. Using this medallion will INSTANTLY add 1 die to every land you have, including potential 9 stacks which can be used on offense. The drawback is that there will be one turn of no dice gain afterwards.

** renegeration - This is a redo, in the event of a major loss. For instance, you have a 6 stack next to an enemy 5 stack and if you punch through you can claim a lot of 1 lands behind. So you roll, and lose. This would allow you to, MID TURN, regenerate your stack entirely and perhaps try a pivotal roll again...

*** defense - ALL of your lands EACH get 2 dice added to the stack, including potential 10 stacks. The player CANNOT attack for 3 turns, but can end turn. This is a massive ability because it would allow for the consolidation after fast expansion. The risk is of course if someone splits you during the 3 turn waiting period, you cant do a thing about it! After the 3 turn period, the extra dice disappear (but any stacks that would have hit 8 stay as such)

Why this might make the game more interesting:

There would be strategy on WHEN to use the medallions, on when to ignore them and let others squabble over them while you build a small section and expand without being much noticed.

You can win the game by strategically using medallions, or by strategically avoiding the squabble for them altogether and winning normally while others are blind through squabbling for power.

The intrigue of WHEN and IF a player will use a medallion will be interesting, as well as the tactical implications it would have on the game. Because remember, using a medallion is a massive advantage, but you INSTANTLY become public enemy #1 because everyone has a massive incentive to knock you out of the game.

I think smart players would really thrive in this arena and it would showcase more opportunities for wit to be greater than necessarily pure luck.

I would NOT want to see this put in on the main tables, as it alters the game immensely. I would LOVE to see this on a test server...

JDizzle787 wrote
at 7:18 PM, Tuesday July 29, 2008 EDT
Well, I'm not sure if you will takes suggestions from kdice's biggest crybaby, but here goes:

I've skimmed over all of the suggestions and ideas, and you have some very creative players here, Ryan. I don't want to make a huge post that no one will read, whether anyone reads it anyways. I have some kudos and concerns regarding proposed ideas.


membership benefits- What makes the majority of kdice great is that you can get a great package for free. You don't need a membership to be able to get 1st. Also, I don't have access to a credit card (yet)

I suggest that perks stay that way for members: great additions that don't necessarily create a huge advantage over a non-member.

Gameplay- I'm glad the idea of tournaments is finally getting recognition after about a year. Separate tournaments, last player standing or a similar bracket-style endurance type of tournament seems probable, allowing skill or strategy to be the more prevalent tactic.

I love Grunvagr's idea for in game strategic "power-ups" enhances the games re-playability, as well as a larger variety of strategical maneuvers.

My last concern is moderators and appearance, the latter being the most frequently discussed.

merchandise: been supporting it since I first logged on to kdice. The red kdice logo: classic, keep it. Dice colors: I've wanted more variety, but the color blind concern is valid. Maybe patterns on the dice, or black and white dice as well?

Mods: we need more and set rules, but please, while self run is a unnattainable utopia, I don't want a thread closed or get reported or banned for being who I am, and that's outspoken (at least on the internet). yeah, yeah, the kids are important, but I'd rather deal with a filter or some preventative measure before you start attacking the actual players.

Also, the forum needs necessary improvements, it's no question anymore.

I hope my suggestions and criticisms are helpful in some way.
Beer Me! wrote
at 11:57 PM, Tuesday July 29, 2008 EDT
Islands? :(
TheBetterYodel wrote
at 1:35 AM, Wednesday July 30, 2008 EDT
Make all rooms nameless just list what kinda of table they are. E.g. 0,100,500,2500,10000

Don't allow chat in game.

Don't show user names in game only colors.

Allow people to watch friends if they by "following" them to watch. But not allowing them to sit in the game. (Ie once you follow someone to a table you cannot sit in that table till the person you followed leaves)

Make a java chat or an irc server going for people to talk to friends while not gaming etc...

Just started playing this month but I have seen a few problems with this game that would make me quit unless resolved.
lance ryan wrote
at 6:45 AM, Wednesday July 30, 2008 EDT
Gday Ryan!

I would like to explain my idea's as simple as I can so all readers get the message quicker and that they do not go along with everything by my exact words.


My idea:

My idea is to decrease the amount of dice in each piece of land from random 1-7
to 1-3 (at the beginning of the game)

This will make the game much fairer at the start of the game.

I have had many other ideas but this one seems to suit me the best ;)


Ideas I agree with:

Choosing Your Own Colors.
This would be good if we could choose an existing color from about 10 very separate colors.

More Land.
Changing the amount of land on each map from average 30 to average 40.


Another Idea I had (which has nothing to do with the topic) was the inability to delete accounts. It is embarrassing having your full name on Kdice.

I thank you gratefully and hope you consider my ideas

scorp888 wrote
at 7:13 AM, Wednesday July 30, 2008 EDT
Queue for maps. You enter a queue, you get put on a table, you don't know what colour, perhaps members get first choice or a colour preference?

This stops the basic pga's.

Placement of dice, you get to put where you want your dice.

Different type of dice, trade dom for specialist pieces, more defensive ones, more aggressive ones, ones that can move over water...

Remove comments and replace with thumbs up and down, or a rating system, almost all the comments are at the level of the playground, and bring the game down to that level.

Viewing other players, if you're a mutual friend, you go their wall, if you're not, you got to reviews/thumbs up / thumbs down.

Better moderators, the current ones are ineffective at best, and subjective at worst.

Not to say that the current moderators can't improve, but they possibly need more guidance, and they should be moderator first, player second.

If someone is getting racially abused, should the mod really finish there game first, then wander over?
BennBenn wrote
at 11:20 AM, Wednesday July 30, 2008 EDT
I put this in the "Ideas" area but no one liked it, but dammit I'm suggesting it again.

Have a lobby where accounts are linked to real names, like Amazon reviews. Do it through a PayPal donation (even of 25 cents) or... something. What do I know? There must be a way to do it.

No alts. No multi-player accounts. Just accountability. Remove the anonymity.

If the issue is that as players get more points, they have to wait longer and longer to play, then maybe open up the ability for higher-ranked players to play 0s and 100s, but for no points gained or lost. Lower level players could learn from playing more experienced KDicers without the risk of losing tons of points.

Make it easier, not harder, to get to know each other as real human beings. I think there'd be a lot less horrible behavior towards each other if that were the case... and what hostility that occurs would be an aberration that the community, as real people, would respond to.
TheBetterYodel wrote
at 12:04 PM, Wednesday July 30, 2008 EDT
Another thing I forgot too add.

What about not letting people with over say 5-10k points play in the 500 tables.

You exclude people with 2500 points or more in the 100 tables yet 500 tables are open game for everyone else. A lot of the people higher up tables play mostly 500 table games and what they do is this....Find a spot, Flag, and then start spamming about how good a certain color is this game because they are strongest RIGHT THEN. Most players on the 500 table don't have over 10k points and they think that the 10k + knows all so they follow his word when in fact they don't have to...

It's basically like having a professional come into an amature game and playing poorly but still placing well because other players have respect for the professional. The professional realizes that he gets easy points doing this so he EXPLOITS the situation.
olliejjc16 wrote
at 1:20 PM, Wednesday July 30, 2008 EDT
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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