
The Future & Point Whores
Posted By: Ryan at 10:01 PM, Thursday July 24, 2008 EDT
I'm at a point where I'm rethinking quite a few things about the structure and future of the games. I want to get feedback about the future of this game from the people who love this game as much as I do.

First of all I'd like to let all the point whores know that since they don't respect the game, I don't respect their opinion for this question. Accumulating points is meant to be secondary with the fun of the game of primary importance - and the majority of everyone has it right.

So, let me know your thoughts and ideas. I'd like to hear big long term vision ideas and not features like mouse-over-display or game playback (although these are great featuers). If you were to forget everything about kdice except the in-game experience how would build big and great things around it?

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unlucky9999 wrote
at 3:26 PM, Monday July 28, 2008 EDT
skrumgaer wrote
at 4:33 PM, Monday July 28, 2008 EDT
Similar to bildo's suggestion.

Introduce "tooth decay".

If a stack is not involved in attacking or defending, individual dice in the stack begin to randomly turn gray and the stack's value in an attack correspondingly decreases.
Stoolpidgeon wrote
at 4:38 PM, Monday July 28, 2008 EDT
Please delete the shared account known as Asshat.
Vermont wrote
at 5:05 PM, Monday July 28, 2008 EDT
I wrote some ideas but was not sure they were pertinent to this thread. They were long and I didn't want to clutter this up needlessly, so I posted them here:
riccardo wrote
at 5:29 PM, Monday July 28, 2008 EDT
How about making teams more explicit? For example, green could ask to join blue's team ... if accepted by blue, a blue star would be overlaid on green's avatar to indicate team membership. Once green joins blue's team, the possibility of a green team disappears. Once blue accepts green's request, he loses the possibility of joining some other team. Points would be gained by all team members if the someone on the team wins.
riccardo wrote
at 5:36 PM, Monday July 28, 2008 EDT
Add the ability to maintain a list of "assholes" (perhaps with a comment why and the ability to remove them later) ... much better than trying to simply trying remember them. Anyone getting placed on too many "assholes" lists should be automatically reviewed for their contributions to the game (note; no automatic actions as this would encourage inappropriate group listings)
Earl Grey wrote
at 7:01 PM, Monday July 28, 2008 EDT
I?ve tried to go through all of the above ? since I see we?re given Ryan plenty to think about. here I?m only going to reply on point whores.

Some of these points are similar to Cyber Leader (see Replies 21-30)

* Players pick a point level and are assigned to a table randomly. I?d apply this via a ?waiting room?. Player would sit in that waiting room so would know whether there were other players around.

* Players are anonymous with no chatting until round 5, even round two or three would help.

* More variation in the number of lands per map. People are in the habit of playing 28-35 lands. Outside this range strategies may differ.

* Flags 1: Limit flags to (say) 5, 6 and 7 only (possibly fix Dom then too)

* Flags 2: after 4 players left or after a given round, say 10, introduce forced resigns for ?no attacking? similar to that for ?away?.
Thraxle wrote
at 9:08 PM, Monday July 28, 2008 EDT
I like the forced resignation for no attacking, but it needs to only be enforced when a player is fully stocked with 8 stacks.
bcmatteagles wrote
at 12:33 PM, Tuesday July 29, 2008 EDT
You could consider using a bug tracking tool like bugzilla to let people more formally see what you're tracking or a small simple interface where people submit bugs or enhancements that you track.
riccardo wrote
at 1:39 PM, Tuesday July 29, 2008 EDT
Allow people to flag for lower than their current rank. Mostly this would be used by people seeking to just leave a game ....
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