
The Future & Point Whores
Posted By: Ryan at 10:01 PM, Thursday July 24, 2008 EDT
I'm at a point where I'm rethinking quite a few things about the structure and future of the games. I want to get feedback about the future of this game from the people who love this game as much as I do.

First of all I'd like to let all the point whores know that since they don't respect the game, I don't respect their opinion for this question. Accumulating points is meant to be secondary with the fun of the game of primary importance - and the majority of everyone has it right.

So, let me know your thoughts and ideas. I'd like to hear big long term vision ideas and not features like mouse-over-display or game playback (although these are great featuers). If you were to forget everything about kdice except the in-game experience how would build big and great things around it?

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olliejjc16 wrote
at 1:21 PM, Wednesday July 30, 2008 EDT
kip sex
olliejjc16 wrote
at 1:21 PM, Wednesday July 30, 2008 EDT
olliejjc16 wrote
at 1:22 PM, Wednesday July 30, 2008 EDT
i like watching children in da playground!
olliejjc16 wrote
at 1:24 PM, Wednesday July 30, 2008 EDT
omg sorry my retarded little brother got to the comp lol. apologies all :D.
olliejjc16 wrote
at 1:26 PM, Wednesday July 30, 2008 EDT
omg sorry my retarded little brother got to the comp lol. apologies all :D
olliejjc16 wrote
at 1:29 PM, Wednesday July 30, 2008 EDT
btw on topic you should be able do delete your own messages :P
montecarlo wrote
at 7:57 AM, Thursday July 31, 2008 EDT
one of the immediate best things you can do is to eliminate the corrupt mod.
desh wrote
at 10:33 AM, Thursday July 31, 2008 EDT

I believe that the dom system must be changed. The dom-system supports and boosts asymmetrical situations. If there should be an point system beside the places 1 to 8 it MUST prefer symmetrical situations.

For example: If I am first and I can decide to attack the second or the last player, its obviously the best to attack the last player. I get the same dome by much lower risk. You are rewarded for attacking a weak players.

The hardest games -where I needed most skill and had to work real hard for- were 400 point games for first place on 500 tables. But the dom-system doesnt honor these games.

And the dom system takes effect on the community. Either u take profit by farming in the leading position or (if u are inferior) some people do PGAing, cheating and all that stuff in order to defend from asymmetrical situations.

Changing the dom system will change the community.
ma1achai wrote
at 10:47 AM, Thursday July 31, 2008 EDT
I think you were on the right track with giving members access to the higher tables at the start of the month... that is really what it should be. If you take out the 2500 points that you give them, you eliminate any of the cheating.

So.... my idea is that there are two 'tiers' of tables:

TIER-1 : - Non-Members start at 0 points
- Members start at 2500 points
TIER-2 : - Members start at 0 points and are immediately qualified.
- Non-members must qualify by reaching 2500 points on TIER-1 tables. Then they start at 0 points on TIER-2 tables.

**Only points scored in TIER-2 count towards the monthly competition.** This should motivate those players in TIER-1 to either become members, or aspire to qualify for TIER-2.

TIER-1 tables are used by non-members to qualify for TIER-2. Additionally, TIER-1 tables are the only place that you can earn 'Achievements', which will motivate TIER-2 players to also play on TIER-1 tables.

And once TIER-1 players qualify for TIER-2, they don't *have* to play on TIER-2 tables if they do not care about the competition. TIER-1 should then remain relatively cheater-free... why PGA when there is really nothing (competition-wise) to gain from it? Casual gamers might just want to play TIER-1 always.

I think something along these lines would be a great improvement and allow some separation of the serious 'competition gamers' and the casual players. It also gives motivation to the 'competition gamers' to play with the 'casual gamers' to earn achievements and just have fun without the stress of having competition points on the line.

I'm sure it could be tweaked up a lot to get it just right, but I'd love to hear thoughts from others about this idea.

ma1achai wrote
at 11:52 AM, Thursday July 31, 2008 EDT
Other simple UI ideas:

Have the Change Table dialog update dynamically. Why does this have to be a static snapshot? Many times I open it up and see 3 tables at the level that I want that are empty. It would be nice to leave it open and see which table starts to fill up so I can go directly to it and sit. Or, there are no tables at the level that I'm looking for, and it would be nice to see them pop-up when they are available. Currently, you have to close and reopen that dialog refresh the view.

And along the line of the Change Table dialog... I think it would be cool if you clicked on a table in the dialog that it showed you who was sitting and spectating at that table. I think the dialog should be completely updated, but a short term solution could be like the following image:

Just some thoughts...

KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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