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continual abusive chat -chat Hero Of Time 6:19 PM, Wednesday February 27, 2013 EST

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THIS PLAYER IS PIECE OF SHIT...HE JUST CRIES, whiins, he is so stupid, he is smaller like 10 times and it has no reason too attack except he fucked my first and he got last, when he could 3rd or worse stipid shit Liptak: really blue? ---------- Liptak: you are so stupid? ########## [Note: Liptak didn't like that I attacked him.] ---------- 3.14159: yellow, you didn't complain when i went after green ---------- 3.14159: why complain now? ---------- 3.14159: just whining? ---------- 3.14159: and crying? ---------- Liptak: cause youre doing useless thing ########## [Note: Unlike playing Kdice?] ---------- 3.14159: which is it yellow, whining or crying? ---------- 3.14159: useless to YOU ---------- Liptak: eating ass of somebody much bigger [Note: Liptak has no imagination; he only knows how to truce for points.] ---------- Liptak: i will kill you anyway ########## [Note: EXACTLY! See? Liptak doesn't even understand that he knows what to do: kill the other guy. He wants the other guy to just automatically leave him alone when he gets bigger. What a fool Liptak is.] ---------- 3.14159: the game is the game yellow--live with it ---------- 3.14159: and don't whine or cry ---------- Liptak: and borw is eating you, yoiu could fight him ---------- 3.14159: you didn't see green cry ---------- Liptak: now i have to kill you ---------- 3.14159: is he a bigger man than you? yes ---------- Liptak: shut up ########## ---------- 3.14159: you are a weak baby, yellow, whining and crying like that ---------- Liptak: you are full of bs ---------- 3.14159: and you are weak and whining and crying liptak ---------- Liptak: your mom cried liuke baby when i penetrated her ass ########## ---------- Alexxzz: :D ---------- andalite: lol ---------- 3.14159: a mom insult? people still do that? ---------- Liptak: heh ---------- Liptak: but ---------- Liptak: that is not a joke ---------- 3.14159: liptak is a chat jerk and a crybaby ---------- 3.14159: but he knows a mom joke or two ---------- Liptak: don't cry dude ---------- 3.14159: right liptak ---------- 3.14159: you cried and cried ---------- Liptak: your mom did like it ########## [Note: So when it is pointed out that mom jokes are beneath a normal adult, Liptak doubles-down by trying it again and again. That is the sure sign of a 15-year-old.] ---------- Liptak: flag teal ---------- 3.14159: you wanted me to leave you alone ---------- 3.14159: "oh blue" you said "leave me alone!" ---------- 3.14159: you whined and cried instead of playing on the table ---------- Liptak: haha ---------- 3.14159: you wanted to win in chat ---------- Liptak: everybody can check i didnt say that ########## [Note: Yes, now they can thanks to this verbatim post of his chat.] Liptak: full of shit ########## ---------- Liptak: heh ---------- 3.14159: liptak that is fairly common for guys like you... ---------- 3.14159: you whine and cry when you are slumming on the 0 tables ---------- Liptak: shut up already ########## [Note: Liptak gets very upset when he has to think.] ---------- 3.14159: "oh look at me with my trophy. why would you attack me?!?!" ---------- Liptak: and stop spam ---------- 3.14159: stop crying and i will, liptak ---------- Liptak: hahaha ---------- Liptak: i'crying ---------- 3.14159: spam? you are reading it and reacting to it ---------- Liptak: i'm ---------- 3.14159: can't be spam ---------- 3.14159: unless you are a spam eater ---------- andalite: flag teal ---------- 3.14159: are you a spam eater liptak? ---------- 3.14159: or just a crybaby? ---------- 3.14159: or both? ---------- Liptak: i told you ---------- Liptak: you are doing useless thing ########## [Note: Again with the "useless thing." Liptak can't imagine any other way to play except his own. What an ignorant fool Liptak is.] ---------- Liptak: and you can see that now ---------- Liptak: teal ---------- Liptak: i flagged ---------- 3.14159: you are just SO used to unspoken truces on the higher tables that you don't know how to play, liptak ---------- iManu: ok ---------- 3.14159: you are a crybaby like a lot of your "high level" brothers ---------- Liptak: lol ---------- Liptak: neved do that ---------- 3.14159: you hate to really play the game ---------- 3.14159: neved? ---------- 3.14159: what is neved? ---------- 3.14159: nevermind ---------- andalite: teal i flagged as well ---------- 3.14159: gg all but Liptak ---------- Liptak: die hippie ########## [Note: Non sequitur.] ---------- 3.14159: the liptak crybaby should learn how to play without truces ---------- iManu: true ---------- 3.14159: he doesn't know how ---------- Liptak: i didnt notice any true ---------- Liptak: did you? ---------- 3.14159: Liptak, stick to the "higher" tables where you belong ---------- 3.14159: you don't know how to play the 0 tables ---------- Liptak: haha ---------- 3.14159: you only know how to play with spoken and unspoken truces ---------- Liptak: maybe you don't know how to lose or play well ---------- Liptak: i didnt do any truce ---------- 3.14159: it sure upset YOU ---------- 3.14159: you wanted me to leave you alone ---------- Liptak: i just said what are you doing is useless ---------- 3.14159: and cried when i did not ---------- Liptak: and you could see it was ---------- Liptak: stop crying dude ---------- 3.14159: you expected an unspoken truce, liptak ---------- Liptak: it''s just the ga,e ---------- Liptak: game ---------- 3.14159: the game is the game--i told you that ---------- 3.14159: so stop whining and crying, liptak ---------- Liptak: i expected you will start to use brain playing this game ---------- 3.14159: go play on the 500 tables ---------- Liptak: you are gay ########## ########## [Note: YES! Liptak gives up and gives me the chat victory with that line.] ---------- Liptak: pi ---------- Liptak has left ---------- 3.14159: "you are gay"! the favorite line of a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: and SO old ---------- 3.14159: liptak also made a mom insult--what a loser liptak is ---------- 3.14159: so lame and pathetic is liptak at chat ---------- 3.14159: he just knows how to be a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: and to truce his way to a trophy
Liptak on Wednesday January 9, 2013
Rebecca Black, the old backstabber, web boy, and chat jerk, rears his ugly head again. All chat below is verbatim as always. ++++++++++ Rebecca Black: hik pie ---------- dread money: hik ---------- Rebecca Black: hi pie ---------- 3.14159: howdy ---------- Rebecca Black: remember me bitch ass pie ########## ---------- Rebecca Black: 50 aacounts ---------- dread money: rofl ---------- Rebecca Black: different accounts ---------- 3.14159: Rebecca Black is another new name for the same old backstabber, web boy, and chat jerk. ---------- Rebecca Black: yeah thats me ---------- Rebecca Black: remember me ---------- 3.14159: sure, after looking at your reviews i remember--otherwise, no ---------- Rebecca Black: yeah ---------- Rebecca Black: nice right ---------- dread money: bilbo ---------- Richard Rolle: hi ---------- Rebecca Black: hi pie ---------- moparmagic: stfu green jesus ---------- Rebecca Black: moparmagic ---------- Rebecca Black: i basckstabbed you once ########## ---------- Rebecca Black: remember ---------- Rebecca Black: ackstabn ---------- Richard Rolle: wow people seem to really hate each other on here ---------- Rebecca Black: backstab ---------- 3.14159: rebecca just can't get over the thrill of being a chat jerk, backstabber, and web boy ---------- Rebecca Black: yeah these guys are noobs ---------- dread money: lol ---------- Rebecca Black: they take this serious ---------- 3.14159: i don't hate rebecca--rebecca is like the rats and cockroaces we can not eliminate entirely ---------- 3.14159: you learn to live with them ---------- dread money: have you learned to love him? ---------- Rebecca Black: just a game ---------- 3.14159: the GAME is just a game--your behavior is immature and bad for kdice ---------- 3.14159: which is fine if you are a chat jerk ---------- dread money: buttwank ---------- moparmagic: he's buttwank? haha ---------- Rebecca Black: yeah but you really take my trolling serious ---------- dread money: FDSFSAFDALOFJDSIGF ---------- Rebecca Black: like you really get mad ---------- 3.14159: not at all ---------- 3.14159: i don't care about you at all, rb ---------- Rebecca Black: and write serious messages ---------- 3.14159: i do it for the 97% who are NOT chat jerks ---------- hunterp: how long until we can play new tables? ---------- moparmagic: like tomorrow some time hunter ---------- 3.14159: "serious"? you think this is serious? really? how pathetic ---------- Rebecca Black: just a game though ---------- hunterp: Why there is such a lag? ---------- Rebecca Black: i remember i backstabbed you pie ########## ---------- dread money: BOOM ---------- Rebecca Black: backstab ---------- Rebecca Black: thank you for writing about me ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2012-02-12 Rebecca Black is another new name for the same old backstabber, web boy, and chat jerk. He was gone from Kdice for a few months, but now he is back. He was not missed and is not welcome now. (Unless he becomes civilized, honorable, and polite. Then he might be allowed back in polite company.) Chat below is verbatim as always. Rebecca Black is green. ++++++++++ Rebecca Black: pie? ---------- Rebecca Black: ? ---------- 3.14159: pi? ---------- Rebecca Black: what are you doing at a 0 table?? ---------- 3.14159: i only play 0 tables ---------- Rebecca Black: remember me bitch ass pie?? ########## ---------- 3.14159: didn't you sing that horrible song? ---------- Rebecca Black: no i used to spam you ---------- 3.14159: yes, that was you ---------- Rebecca Black: with 50 different accounts ########## ---------- Rebecca Black: you used to give me long reviews ---------- Rebecca Black: yeah ---------- 3.14159: i only posted what YOU said ---------- Rebecca Black: yeah ---------- xXLotusXx: http://www.nyancat.cat/ ---------- Rebecca Black: i have backstabbed like a million times now ########## ---------- 3.14159: no doubt ---------- Rebecca Black: i have backstabbed everyone on kdice ########## ---------- Rebecca Black: its funny ---------- 3.14159: not a surprise ---------- 3.14159: you 3%ers don't change ---------- Rebecca Black: they always fall for it ---------- Rebecca Black: for some reason they never leanr ---------- Rebecca Black: i backstabbed on 500 table once ---------- 3.14159: feeling better? ---------- Rebecca Black: pie you should have seen that backstab that was epic ---------- Rebecca Black: my backstab in a tourney ---------- 3.14159: seen one, seen them all ---------- Rebecca Black: on everyone ---------- 3.14159: you don't really think you are special do you? ---------- 3.14159: not really? ---------- Rebecca Black: i got 1st place in a tourney backstabbing ---------- 3.14159: hey, if you enjoy being a jerk, so be it ---------- 3.14159: but don't think that it makes you special ---------- Rebecca Black: it was epic pie ---------- 3.14159: being one of the 3% is "rare" in once sense... ---------- 3.14159: but not special ---------- Rebecca Black: yeah it has been a while though pie i missed you ---------- 3.14159: i know you did ---------- Rebecca Black: i took a couple months off of kdice though ---------- 3.14159: that is how it works ---------- Rebecca Black: college work and stuff ---------- 3.14159: your bad acts aren't as fun unless people notice, right? ---------- Rebecca Black: yeah ---------- 3.14159: what bad thing will you do in THIS game? ---------- Rebecca Black: pie you were my only friend in kdice ---------- 3.14159: i'm sorry to tell you: we were not friends ---------- 3.14159: my pity for you remains, however ---------- Rebecca Black: the only one who truly understood me ---------- 3.14159: now, now, everyone knows what a jerk is ---------- 3.14159: others just don't tell you so ---------- Rebecca Black: yeah ---------- 3.14159: so rest easy--you have many "friends" of that kind--those who know you as a jerk ---------- 3.14159: yeah ---------- Rebecca Black: pie im actually a really good player ---------- Rebecca Black: when i play legit ---------- 3.14159: you cannot go non-legit and then legit ---------- 3.14159: to think so is only fooling yourself ---------- Rebecca Black: sorry pie ---------- 3.14159: the non-legit part makes everything non- legit ---------- Rebecca Black: i have to attack you ---------- 3.14159: you are forgiven--you are what you are and the game is the game ---------- 3.14159: forgiven for the attacks THIS game, by the way--not for being a jerk in general ---------- 3.14159: that is NOT forgiven ---------- Rebecca Black: thank you ---------- 3.14159: just wanted to clarify ---------- Rebecca Black: flag red ---------- 3.14159: flag red ---------- Bonman: Same Red ---------- 3.14159: hmmm, a former customer of yours, green? [Note: Rebecca Black had a nice lead in 1st but flagged to red in order to fight me. Red did NOT accept Rebecca Black's flag, attacked him, as we all did, and Rebecca Black took 4th place when a better person who hadn't made so many enemies would have taken 1st or 2nd.] ---------- 3.14159: perhaps people DO remember and get it ---------- 3.14159: i flag to you yellow ---------- Bonman: k ---------- 3.14159: green is away ---------- 3.14159: coward ---------- 3.14159: gg
Deepak Kumar on Thursday December 13, 2012
2012-11-11 ProVVe is a Level 33 chat jerk. He used all his intelligence and wit to leave me this review: "buy some balls... You dropped it somewhere." Brilliant! ProVVe is wasting his time on Kdice; he could be winning a Nobel Prize instead. ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2012-11-01 ProVVe is a Level 33 chat jerk. ProVVe is brown, I am blue. All chat below is verbatim as it always is. ++++++++++ ProVVe: smart 2 base game Xd ########## [Note: ProVVe comments on 'bad' play only when it affects HIM--that makes him a crybaby. If your excuse, ProVVe, for snarky comments is "I calls 'em as I see 'em," then you have to comment on ALL bad play and not just the bad play that hurts YOUR chances.] ---------- 3.14159: :) ---------- 3.14159: just stopping YOU ---------- 3.14159: pretty smart, eh? ---------- ProVVe: free kill ---------- 3.14159: we didn't know we were supposed to let you win, brown ---------- ProVVe: yeah ---------- 3.14159: now we know--thanks ---------- ProVVe: xD ---------- 3.14159: :) ---------- ProVVe: blue blue blue xD ---------- ProVVe: u will lost ur position xD ---------- 3.14159: see? you were whining and crying for no reason, brown ---------- 3.14159: you have this won easily [Note: ProVVe has a giant lead that he should have no chance of losing.] ---------- ProVVe: crying nee ---------- ProVVe: i just try save u ---------- 3.14159: "nee"? ---------- ProVVe: yeah xD ---------- r0n: must be greek ---------- r0n: a whiny greek ---------- ProVVe: ahhaha ---------- 3.14159: that explains the strange spelling "ahhaha" ---------- ProVVe: u must be black green xD ########## [Note: Oh, ProVVe's racist remark is so controversial! See how brave ProVVe is for being so politically incorrect? Impressive.] ---------- r0n: I see we are dealing with an extraordinary intelligence here ---------- 3.14159: oh, he is so controversial! ---------- ProVVe: xD ---------- 3.14159: :) ---------- r0n has left ---------- ProVVe: 2nd for u blue ;]] ---------- 3.14159: no thanks :) ---------- 3.14159: flag yellow [Note: I flag to the only other player left in the game.] ---------- ProVVe: badluck xD ---------- l00ser: thx ;) ---------- ProVVe: ahh blue ;] ---------- 3.14159: :) ---------- 3.14159: lol ---------- 3.14159: lmao ---------- 3.14159: rofl ---------- 3.14159: pick one brown ---------- ProVVe: imposible ---------- ProVVe: 6 times ---------- ProVVe: one more time?:D ---------- ProVVe: xDDDDDDDDDDD ---------- ProVVe: nice try blue xD ---------- 3.14159: gg all--except brown, of course (chat jerk that he is) ---------- ProVVe: xDDDDDd ---------- 3.14159: lol ---------- 3.14159: rofl ---------- 3.14159: lmao ---------- 3.14159: pick one brown ---------- ProVVe: jerk off blue xD ########## [Note: Is something on ProVVe's mind? It would have to be something very small to fit on his mind, but still.] ---------- 3.14159: see? ---------- l00ser: yes ! ---------- 3.14159: chat jerk confirmed ---------- l00ser: 7 losses ---------- ProVVe: 6 wins ---------- l00ser: brown is cheating ---------- 3.14159: check your reviews, brown ---------- ProVVe: gg ;] ---------- ProVVe: yep i am big dickhead ########## ---------- ProVVe: xDDD ---------- 3.14159: you are one of the 3% ---------- 3.14159: nothing unusual about that ---------- ProVVe: only 3 ---------- ProVVe: % ---------- ProVVe: xD
ProVVe on Thursday December 13, 2012
Hi OakCliff.
Kdice Scholar on Tuesday November 27, 2012
2012-09-13 PanicSwitch and 58 are chat jerks and PGA cheaters. All chat below is verbatim as always. PanicSwitch is blue, 58 is brown, I am yellow--in the first game. The chat below covers many games. ++++++++++ [Note: Dears Readers, note how PanicSwitch and 58 clean up their language over the length of this chat. Why? Because they finally go check my reviews and see that I post verbatim chat; they realize they are "on the record," as it were.] ---------- 58: man8**** not mna hahaha ---------- PanicSwitch: mna is nasty ---------- PanicSwitch: hey retard fuck. why did u suicide into me ########## ---------- PanicSwitch: whats the point ---------- 3.14159: don't be a chat jerk, blue ---------- 58: -k ---------- Liathan: because that stack was lost anyway ---------- Liathan: next to your eight ---------- Liathan: might as well get some restack out of it ---------- PanicSwitch: so instead of telling me to take it... u suicide ---------- PanicSwitch: buitch ########## ---------- 58: butch. ---------- Liathan: well, restack ---------- Liathan: it gave me 4 ---------- PanicSwitch: to bad ---------- PanicSwitch: pge bitch ########## ---------- 58: nice try dipshit ########## ---------- 58: what's pge ---------- Liathan: love the honeytalk here ---------- 3.14159: blue, breathe deeply--take a break ---------- 3.14159: don't be a rude chat jerk ---------- PanicSwitch: that's harassment ########## [Note: PanicSwitch is a jailhouse lawyer.] ---------- PanicSwitch: say that again and i'll get mods to -chat -play ########## [Note: Suprisingly, PanicSwitch actually DID post a complaint on the Discussion page of the Forum. PanicSwitch thereby gave me one of my greatest chat victories ever! Never has a chat jerk that I have called out gone that far in reacting to my beat down of him in chat. Thanks, PanicSwitch.] ---------- 58: what's a chat jerk ---------- 58: is that like a term you have ---------- 3.14159: a chat jerk is someone like blue ---------- 58: do you ever have irl conversations ---------- 58: blue truce ---------- PanicSwitch: no ---------- 58: wiped out bitch ########## ---------- 58: no? you're dead i have a huge stack of 5 pieces ---------- 3.14159: truce? on a 0 table? wow ---------- 58: yellow don't be chat bitch. ########## ---------- 3.14159: brown is also a chat jerk? great ---------- 3.14159: what luck we have ---------- 3.14159: guys like you are the rats and cockroaches of kdice ---------- waldooh!: flag blue ---------- PanicSwitch: ok ---------- 3.14159: we can't get rid of you completely... ---------- 3.14159: you will always be with us ---------- 58: you style yourself after a mathematical constant and care a ton about KDice Etiquette and the community at large ---------- 3.14159: but do we want MORE of you or fewer of you? ---------- PanicSwitch: you also just lost to red like a bitch ########## ---------- 3.14159: brown, don't worry about it ---------- 3.14159: you are what you are--a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: you are not unusual ---------- 58: nice othering ---------- PanicSwitch: are you gonna post a forum thread about me? ########## [Note: This is PanicSwitches great trick, apparently: he knows about the Discussion page of the Forum.] ---------- 3.14159: why? there are a lot of guys like you ---------- 3.14159: you are not special blue ---------- PanicSwitch: cuz u do it all the time ---------- PanicSwitch: lil bitch ########## ---------- 3.14159: i do it when i come across a chat jerk ---------- 58: lol ---------- 3.14159: you are here ---------- 3.14159: QED ---------- PanicSwitch: so you will post it ---------- 58: i'm fucking sick + tired of these chat jerks plaguing the KDice commune ########## ---------- PanicSwitch: same ---------- 3.14159: it is not a plague ---------- 3.14159: you are part of the 3% ---------- 58: lol ---------- 3.14159: lol ---------- 3.14159: rofl ---------- 3.14159: lmao ---------- 3.14159: pick one ---------- 58: i pick all of those ---------- 3.14159: you didn't laugh out loud ---------- 58: hmm. tru. i wonder if i wasn't laughing at you and it was in fact ironic ---------- PanicSwitch: yellow you're one of the .09 percent ---------- 3.14159: no, part of the 97% ---------- PanicSwitch: of children diagnosed with autism ---------- waldooh!: lol ---------- 3.14159: "austism"!!!! ---------- 58: they should have a facial expression recognition registration requirement for game sites like these so people like you can't make accounts ---------- 3.14159: blue has his list out ---------- PanicSwitch: agreed 58 ---------- 3.14159: good one brown ---------- 58: blue did you just google that statistic...? ---------- 3.14159: "facial expression recognition"! ---------- 58: i bet you googledit. you're a stupid fucker hahahah ########## ---------- PanicSwitch: did not bitch ########## ---------- 3.14159: i think it is funny... ---------- 3.14159: most people say "facial recognition software" ---------- 3.14159: but not you ---------- PanicSwitch: lol ---------- 58: you're retarded ---------- 58: lmao ---------- PanicSwitch: you don't even understand what he is talking abot ---------- PanicSwitch: dumbass ---------- PanicSwitch: die beybi ---------- 3.14159: good company you got there, waldooh! ---------- PanicSwitch: u r asholle ########## ---------- 58: waldooh is chill ---------- 3.14159: you like them? ---------- 3.14159: you want more of them, waldooh! ---------- 58: He's Mine PanicSWithc ---------- PanicSwitch: yeah look at waldooh's chill avatar ---------- PanicSwitch: ok ---------- PanicSwitch: boom bitch ########## ---------- 58: nice dude. you leveld up ---------- 3.14159: gg all ---------- PanicSwitch: epic level 8 ---------- 3.14159: except blue and brown ---------- 3.14159: lol ---------- 58: lol ---------- 3.14159: :) ---------- 58: epic burn ---------- 3.14159: like that? ---------- 58: i bet you did an irl laugh ---------- 3.14159: good ---------- 58 has left ---------- PanicSwitch: most people call it facial recognition software ! ---------- 3.14159: i bet you liked it ---------- 3.14159: do they? ---------- PanicSwitch: no ---------- PanicSwitch: ur a fuckin idiot llol ########## ---------- PanicSwitch: whats up LOL ---------- PanicSwitch: how u doin m8 ---------- 3.14159: 58 and PanicSwitch, in all that talk about how you are chat jerks... ---------- 3.14159: we forgot to mention that you are PGA cheaters, too ---------- PanicSwitch: dude. shut tehf uck up ########## ---------- 3.14159: spell much? ---------- 58: lmao ---------- PanicSwitch: no PGA here ---------- 58: who's gurgi? ---------- PanicSwitch: yellowe ---------- 3.14159: we forgot to tell everyone about your PGA cheating in the last game... ---------- 58: Lucky Loser ---------- 3.14159: you were such chat jerks... ---------- Lucky Loser: sup ---------- 3.14159: and that came across first ---------- PanicSwitch: report me bitch ########## ########## ########## ---------- 58: i flagged to him dumbass ########## ---------- 3.14159: "report me bitch"? why? ---------- PanicSwitch: hey josh... how u doin m8 ---------- Lucky Loser: nb ---------- PanicSwitch: another day on kdice ---------- Lucky Loser: college ---------- PanicSwitch: chillin grillin smokin rollin (virtual dice) ---------- 3.14159: wow, Lucky Loser is the most modded player I have seen ---------- Lucky Loser: :p ---------- 3.14159: Lucky, is anyone else MORE modded than you? ---------- Lucky Loser: prob ---------- 3.14159: Lucky, are you PGA with Panic and 58? ---------- Lucky Loser: idrgaf ########## ---------- 58: we're all cheaters togteher ---------- 3.14159: thought so ---------- 3.14159: thanks, 58 ---------- PanicSwitch: don't shit talk us... 58 is a cool guy and me too ########## ---------- 58: everyone at the table is cheating .. .except you ---------- 3.14159: really? i don't think so ---------- Lucky Loser: i just got here tho ---------- 58: *sits down awkwardly at corner seat and awkwardly picks at vegetables not making eye contact* ---------- 3.14159: well, Lucky, you have been modded for PGA... ---------- 3.14159: that is pretty rare ---------- Lucky Loser: not really ---------- PanicSwitch: lol. that's what 3.14 wold do 58 ---------- PanicSwitch: if thats the joke ---------- 58: yah ---------- 58: =) ---------- PanicSwitch: lol. ---------- 58: haha 3.14 tried to pge you and got crushed ---------- PanicSwitch: no.. that was soe1 else ---------- 58: oh. oh no he killed you ---------- 3.14159: Lucky, i'm not saying PGA is all that rare--i am saying being modded for it is ---------- 58: heck i don;t know anymore... ---------- 3.14159: cheater like PanicSwitch and 58... ---------- Lucky Loser: and I'm saying it's not rare to be modded for it ---------- 3.14159: they prefer cheating to not cheating ---------- 58: we are cheating at kdice. i'm caught ---------- 3.14159: they would rather cheat and lose than to not cheat and win ---------- PanicSwitch: shut the fuck up bitch ########## ---------- 3.14159: right green? ---------- 3.14159: right red? ---------- 58: lol ---------- 58: you're legitimately crazy ---------- 3.14159: "legitimately crazy"!?! ---------- 3.14159: really? ---------- 3.14159: not you? ---------- PanicSwitch: epic 4v4.. ---------- 3.14159: i am not the one cheating ---------- 3.14159: you are ---------- PanicSwitch: blog abuot it ---------- 3.14159: why? ---------- PanicSwitch: your pge sucks bitch. enjoy 6th ---------- 58: i am literally following people around and headhunting psycho cheaters at a board game ---------- 3.14159: "board game"? ---------- 58: you, on the other hand, are fucking crazy pga cheater sick fucks ########## ---------- 3.14159: which one? ---------- 3.14159: which board game are you playing? ---------- 58: lmao ---------- urkul: im a backsbber... check oumy revieswt ta ---------- 3.14159: oh, you mean kdice? ---------- ---------- ---------- PanicSwitch: cat got his tongue... similar to u, in real life, cuz u never talk 2 real people autist ---------- 3.14159: you laughed your ass off at that? really? ---------- 3.14159: "autist"? ---------- 3.14159: what is "autist"? ---------- PanicSwitch: u ---------- 3.14159: oh, autistic? ---------- 58: all of my friends are dead an di don't talk to people anymore. i;m still mourning and the internet is my only safe place ---------- urkul: flag yellow ---------- 3.14159: is THAT what you meant? ---------- Lucky Loser: kk ---------- PanicSwitch: in your dreams bitch ########## ---------- 58: *silently enters common room to take a slice of pizza and leaves without saying hi* ---------- urkul: ty ---------- 3.14159: you cheat and are a chat jerk because you can't handle the anonymity of the internet ---------- 3.14159: you are too childish ---------- 3.14159: you get a thrill from acting out ---------- 3.14159: a tingle up your spine ---------- PanicSwitch: true.. i kinda got a boner now ---------- 58: that's me. me i'm insanely pissed and psychoanalyzing people because i lost at an internet board game, twice ---------- 58: i'm so fuckign childish i cna't take it anymore. help ########## ---------- 3.14159: you think this is about you, don't you, red? ---------- 58: lmfao ---------- 3.14159: you do--admit it? ---------- PanicSwitch: well yeah you were talking to him ---------- 58: i'm making fun of you. i don't care which of me/green you ae mocking ight now ---------- 3.14159: talking to him doesn't mean it is about him ---------- 58: you vacillate between us and concentrate all your vitriolic eloquence on whoever insulted you last ---------- 3.14159: but he thinks it IS about him ---------- 3.14159: that is funny ---------- Guillaume Blanc: yellow you dont play the win ? ---------- PanicSwitch: ummm.... whos it abuot then ---------- 58: it's not about you ... it's about kdice at large ---------- 3.14159: vitriol? what vitriol? ---------- urkul: green hasnt flagged yo yellowu ---------- 3.14159: YOU have been vitriolic--not i ---------- 58: merriam-webster.com/dictionary/vitriol ---------- 3.14159: you should look it up ---------- Lucky Loser: tru ---------- 3.14159: you don't use it correctly ---------- 58: lol ---------- PanicSwitch: wtf. we truced m8 ########## ---------- PanicSwitch: oh. ok ---------- PanicSwitch: i shouldnt hav talked ---------- Lucky Loser: passin with my 8 ---------- urkul: lol ---------- Lucky Loser: roll or flag out ---------- Lucky Loser: you're done ---------- 3.14159: "i shouldn't hav talked"?!? ---------- 3.14159: wow ---------- PanicSwitch: agreed. roll with teal and red is 3rd ---------- urkul: nether ---------- 58: he's being a fucking chat jerk and shouldn't speak ... ########## ---------- 3.14159: didn't mean to distract the cheaters--wow ---------- 58: yeah w/e i flagged ---------- Guillaume Blanc: let me have full stqacvk ---------- Guillaume Blanc: ok ---------- 3.14159: so Panic is not only a chat jerk.... ---------- 3.14159: not only a cheater... ---------- 58: uh oh!!!!!! ---------- 3.14159: but he also is a terrible 1st place player ---------- 58: lmao ---------- 3.14159: wow ---------- 58: hahahahahahjfgfdddfsdssd ---------- Guillaume Blanc: i roll ---------- 3.14159: he is one of those guys who tells everyone what to do ---------- PanicSwitch: you cant be a terrible 1st place player... youre already in 1st, so you did well ---------- 3.14159: terrible ---------- Guillaume Blanc: 30 ---------- 58: gradually snowballing yet epic crescendo mounting to a brutal & scathing peak ---------- Lucky Loser: he flagged out ---------- 3.14159: wrong, green ---------- 3.14159: he is a terrible 1st place player ---------- 3.14159: that is, he is a terrible player when he is in 1st ---------- Lucky Loser: gg ---------- 3.14159: get it? ---------- 3.14159: no? ---------- 58: damn. u leveled up, again ---------- PanicSwitch: 360, much like the no scope that 3.14 got ---------- 58: lol ---------- 58 has left ---------- 3.14159: you laughed out loud? really? ---------- PanicSwitch has left ---------- 3.14159 is here ---------- PanicSwitch: 58: lol 58 has left 3.14159: you laughed out loud? really? ---------- 58: hahahhah ---------- 3.14159: you really laughed out loud at that? ---------- 3.14159: really? ---------- 3.14159: wow ---------- 58: i am fucking pissed that this guy laughed at something i did not find funny ########## ---------- 58: god. damn. ########## ---------- 3.14159: take it easy ---------- 3.14159: take it easy ---------- 3.14159: breathe in ---------- 3.14159: you'll be okay ---------- 58: holy shit hahaha look at 3.14's top review ########## ---------- 3.14159: are you and green going to PGA cheat again, red? ---------- 58: oh my god ---------- 58: you wrote an essay ---------- 3.14159: like you did the last 2 games? ---------- PanicSwitch: wtf... he posted a chat log ---------- 58: he wrote an essay ---------- 58: then c/p'd a huge log ---------- PanicSwitch: omhg ---------- PanicSwitch: on his own page. lol ---------- 58: [Note: The sentences that are exact duplicates of the ones above them are actual chat--it is not an editing error.] ---------- 58: lmfao ---------- 3.14159: you laughed your f*cking ass off? really? wow ########## ---------- 3.14159: hard to believe ---------- PanicSwitch: f*cking ---------- 3.14159: red and green--are you truced again? ---------- 58: to all the people who have my (3.14159's) kdice reviews page in their internet "rss feed" - i caught a new group of shit-eating cheaters ########## ---------- PanicSwitch: lmao ---------- 58: did you laugh your ass off fucker. well did you ########### ---------- 3.14159: you are so uninterested in what i have to say, right? ---------- 58: yeah ---------- 3.14159: you so don't care, right? ---------- 58: sorry green ... didn't meant to break our pga. misclicked ---------- PanicSwitch: damn ---------- PanicSwitch: its ok ---------- 58: thanks mate ---------- PanicSwitch: just cheat better next time ---------- 3.14159: but you read the reviews i leave--interesting ---------- 58: ya ya ---------- 3.14159: good for you--such worry on your part is a good sign ---------- 3.14159: it means you might care after all ---------- 3.14159: if you did NOT care you would not have looked ---------- 3.14159: QED ---------- 58: 3.14 people on your reviews say youi're fat. they're claling you fat ---------- 58: is this true. ---------- 3.14159: since you do care there is hope for you ---------- 58: are you fat ---------- 3.14159: you have something like "guilty knowledge" ---------- PanicSwitch: dude. wtf ---------- 58: 3.14 are you fat. yes or no ---------- 58: answer the question pussy ########## ---------- 3.14159: by the way... ---------- PanicSwitch: "a total asshole of a player. DO NOT play with this overweight fuck." ########## ---------- 58: haha ---------- 58: he can't just say no ---------- 3.14159: you have cleaned up your act a bit since you read my reviews ---------- 3.14159: why is that? ---------- PanicSwitch: lol ---------- 58: lmao ---------- 58: what are you talking about ---------- 3.14159: you aren't cussing as much ########## [Note: Watch THIS! I can goad these fools into anything.] ---------- 3.14159: why not? ---------- 3.14159: are you scared? ---------- 58: shit fuck cock bitch pussy ########## ########## ########## [Note: Goaded! Another chat win for me.] ---------- 58: - 2pac ---------- ---------- ---------- 58: oh my god ---------- 3.14159: simple ---------- 58: this is literally your life ---------- 3.14159: "oh my god"!!!! ---------- 3.14159: wonderful ---------- PanicSwitch: 3.14159 i'll suck your bebe dick lol ########## ---------- PanicSwitch: in a good way i mean that ---------- 58: lmfao ---------- 3.14159: you broke character, 58--i win again ---------- 3.14159: you suck at the chat game, red ---------- PanicSwitch: i flag u yellow ---------- 3.14159: green appears to be the smart one ---------- 58: nice pga green and yello ---------- 58: w ---------- 3.14159: you must be the dumb one ---------- 58: i'm stupid and dumb ---------- 3.14159: no thyself, 58 ---------- 3.14159: know ---------- 58: know* ---------- 58: lmfao ---------- 3.14159: beat you! ---------- 3.14159: lol ---------- 3.14159: lmao ---------- 58: you are dumb as hell ... no thyself ---------- DeakdaFreak: flag yell ---------- 3.14159: rofl ---------- 3.14159: pick one ---------- MerlinsTower: ok blu ---------- 58: i pick the l ones ---------- 58: yellow i flag ---------- 3.14159: you weren't very fast with the correction ---------- MerlinsTower: k ---------- PanicSwitch: hey pirple u just get owned ---------- 3.14159: you are a little slow overall ---------- 58: purple loses again ---------- 3.14159: do i? ---------- PanicSwitch: purple lost MORE points ---------- 58: do i... ---------- 58: i might have lost this one game. but did i lose the war ---------- 3.14159: i slaughtered you guys at my game, the chat game ---------- 58: this is big picuter ---------- PanicSwitch: purple: games this month: 119... score this month: 144 ---------- 3.14159: picture? ---------- 58: we're talking long term winning ---------- 3.14159: did you mean picture? ---------- 58: i don't know you're the one who keeps spouting double hyphens to look like you know what an em dash is ---------- 58: you tell me ---------- 3.14159: do something nice for him ---------- 3.14159: "em dash"!!!! ---------- PanicSwitch: oh -- showing off are we now! ---------- 3.14159: showing off again ---------- 3.14159: 58 is so insecure... ---------- PanicSwitch: deak lern 2 play nerd ---------- 58: Ah, yes—the PGA cheaters are showing off again. Chat jerks. ---------- DeakdaFreak: u suck [Note: He just now believes what I warned the table of earlier about 58 and PanicSwitch being PGA cheaters.] ---------- DeakdaFreak: pga ---------- DeakdaFreak: fag ---------- PanicSwitch: then how come im winning ---------- 58: blow me ########## ---------- 3.14159: he wants a guy he purports not to care about to think he is smart ---------- 3.14159: wow ---------- PanicSwitch: pga DEEZ NUTS lol ---------- 58: 3.14 do you have autism ---------- DeakdaFreak: its funny ---------- DeakdaFreak: u guys pga yet ---------- 58: if so i'm going to call it quits ---------- DeakdaFreak: still suck at this game ---------- 3.14159: 58 has his chat jerk list out again ---------- DeakdaFreak: and have no points ---------- MerlinsTower: hurry up ---------- 58: lmao ---------- 3.14159: "austism" is in the top 15 ---------- 3.14159: "retard" is in there ---------- PanicSwitch: its almost done m8 ---------- DeakdaFreak: get robbed of my second ---------- 58: you tried to take 2nd, then accused me of pgaing, then begged me for 3rd ---------- 58: sorry dude ---------- 3.14159: "its"! ---------- 58: 3.14 just answer the questions i ask ---------- 3.14159: wow ---------- DeakdaFreak: bc ur pga fag ---------- s PanicSwitch: maybe if you stopped following people and accusing them of cheating your autism wouldn't be as apparent ---------- PanicSwitch: just imo ---------- DeakdaFreak: no ---------- 3.14159: he thinks it is "its"! ---------- MerlinsTower: gg' ---------- 58: are you fat? do you have autism? are you an antisocial cocksucker? ########## ---------- 3.14159: wonderful ---------- DeakdaFreak: autism isnt a form of retardation moron... ---------- 3.14159: you mad bro? ---------- PanicSwitch: gg MerlinsTower. i like you ---------- 3.14159: red is MAD ---------- PanicSwitch: your a cool guy merlin ---------- MerlinsTower: u as well ---------- 58: i'm so mad that i've made you extremely angry with my board game appreciation night ---------- 3.14159: where to now, boys? ---------- PanicSwitch: i don't need your approval pi ---------- PanicSwitch: merlin thinks i'm cool ---------- 58 has left ---------- 3.14159: "i don't need your approval pi"!! ---------- 3.14159: wow ---------- 3.14159: methinks the lady doth protest too much ---------- ---------- ---------- 58: and then begging for 3rd place afterward ---------- 3.14159: dance, red, dance ---------- 3.14159: i love it ---------- 3.14159: wonderful! ---------- 58: 3.14159: methinks the lady doth protest too much ---------- 3.14159: i love when you try to evade ---------- 58: 3.14159: methinks the lady doth protest too much ---------- 3.14159: it makes me feel... ---------- 58: 3.14159: methinks the lady doth protest too much ---------- 3.14159: special ---------- 58: 3.14159: methinks the lady doth protest too much ---------- 3.14159: you HATE this don't you 58? ---------- 3.14159: HATE it ---------- PanicSwitch: dude ---------- 58: yeah ---------- PanicSwitch: wtf ---------- 3.14159: 58, not talking? ---------- 3.14159: why not? ---------- 3.14159: mad? ---------- 3.14159: sulking? ---------- 3.14159: where is all the cussing you guys were doing? ########## [Note: Again, as mentioned above, they have reduced their cussing now that they know I post verbatim chat. Wonderful--they don't even realize that the scrutiny they HATE is having the affect I want.] ---------- PanicSwitch: red i think u could connect by 3v3ing green ---------- 3.14159: cowards? ---------- PanicSwitch: ust imo ---------- 58: i planned on it ---------- 58: sorry green i was looking at football. gimme something ---------- 58: why don't ---------- 58: zzz ---------- 58: zzzzz ---------- 58: zzzzzzzz ---------- PanicSwitch: owned bitch ########## ---------- 58: like ---------- PanicSwitch: sit iin!!! qiuck ---------- 58: this webpage is the only one that is lagging ---------- PanicSwitch: adam's argos why did u hit me m8 ---------- 3.14159: i flag to everyone EXCEPT red and purple ---------- 58: that's a cool name ---------- PanicSwitch: what a bad ass ---------- 58: 3.14 i'm reporting you for pge ---------- Adam's Argos: to grow, don't really wanna take on blue ---------- 58: peace ---------- PrincipalSkinner: ok ---------- Adam's Argos: damn ---------- PanicSwitch: flag blue. . . ---------- Adam's Argos: looks like probly 6th ---------- 58: yeah ---------- 58: flag ---------- PanicSwitch: i flag blue ... ---------- 3.14159: again, i flag blue ---------- PanicSwitch: ty ---------- 58: actually flag to yellow too i guess ---------- Adam's Argos: we all do blue ---------- PanicSwitch: fuck! ########## ---------- Adam's Argos: I just wanna beat purp ---------- 3.14159: i flag to everyone EXCEPT red and purple ---------- PrincipalSkinner: ok ---------- Adam's Argos: please gimme that chance blue ---------- 58: blue you should kill 3.14. he flagged to everyone immediately because he's pgaing me and purp ---------- 58: he'll get really mad at you and call you a chat jerk and cheater ---------- Adam's Argos: HAHAHA damnit ---------- PanicSwitch: u can take him on man. ---------- 3.14159: i am not mad ---------- 3.14159: i am the sheriff ---------- 58: I Am Not Mad ---------- 3.14159: the sheriff doesn't get mad ---------- Adam's Argos: that is a tough little bastard you have left purp ---------- PanicSwitch: The Sheriff ---------- PanicSwitch: thx m8 ---------- 3.14159: i am the garbageman and red and purple are the garbage ---------- 3.14159: i am the exterminator and red and purple are rats and cockroaches ---------- 3.14159: simple ---------- 3.14159: i am not mad ---------- PanicSwitch: you think it's your job to pge people on a dice game ---------- 3.14159: the exterminator isn't mad at the rats and cockroaches ---------- 3.14159: he is doing his work ---------- 58: you're on the autism spectrum man ---------- 58: it's unnerving ---------- 3.14159: whine more, 58--i LOVE it ---------- 3.14159: cry more ---------- 3.14159: you don't care, right? ---------- 58: please - whine about my retardation ---------- PanicSwitch: *pi slowly lifts his mask and reveals that he is leekstep* ---------- 3.14159: what i say means nothing to you, right? ---------- 3.14159: you HATE this ---------- 58: lol ---------- 58: i said while you were gone that i really hoped you'd follow us in ########## ########## ---------- PanicSwitch: hi leek ---------- 58: because you're entertaining ########## [Note: He HATES it but he has to pretend not to. How best to do that? Pretend that he is enjoying it, of course.] ---------- 3.14159: no, you care because you HATE this ---------- 58: lol ---------- PanicSwitch: help ---------- PanicSwitch: i'm dead ---------- 3.14159: help purple, red! ---------- PanicSwitch: the sheriff killed me ---------- 3.14159: help purple, red! ---------- 58: dude you are literally insane ########## [Note: 58 doesn't know what "literally" means; he means "figuratively."] ---------- 3.14159: "literally"!?! wow ---------- PanicSwitch: dude write a forum post about us please ########## ########## [Note: PanicSwitch is the one who posted on the Discussion page before I did.] ---------- 3.14159: he means figuratively, of course ---------- 58: no, literally. i'm not fucking around ########## ---------- 3.14159: no? ---------- 3.14159: you mad? ---------- 58: lol ---------- 3.14159: you seem upset, 58 ---------- 3.14159: i'm not bothering you am i? ---------- PanicSwitch: SETTING: KDice forums. the noble KDice sheriff PI comes to write about the new "58Switch" cheating ring that he'd discovered. ########## ########## ########## [Note: BIG victory for me in the chat game! PanicSwitch HATES the idea that anyone could think he is better than he and 58 are. YES! BIG victory for me when they whine about this.] ---------- 58: i'm going to make a forum post about him ---------- 58: before he can make one about us ########## [Note: And he did. 58 and PanicSwitch BOTH posted on the Discussion page before I did. In fact, I was only going to post about their PGA cheating not their being chat jerks, but I'll do as 58 wishes.] ---------- 3.14159: you keep saying i am autistic and crazy but you keep paying heed ########## ########## ---------- 58: ahahahh yes ---------- 58: forum post created ... ########## ---------- 3.14159: you created a forum post, but you don't care, right? ########## ########## ---------- 58: it can't be that i'm having a lot of fun. it's that i care deeply ---------- 3.14159: cheating is fun for you--i said so ---------- 3.14159: you wouldn't play if you couldn't cheat ---------- PanicSwitch: you said so ---------- 58: lmao ---------- 3.14159: purple speaks! ---------- PanicSwitch: autism speaks ---------- 3.14159: good for you, Panic ---------- 58: panicswitch intercedes on behalf of his cheating buddy at the crucial moment ... ---------- 58: well looks like you lose again green ---------- 3.14159: not at all ---------- 3.14159: i don't ever expect to beat a PGA team ########### ########### ---------- 58: lol ---------- PanicSwitch: that was a 1v1 fight ---------- 58: yeah ---------- 58: purple really had a huge effect on the other side of the board ---------- 3.14159: i do know that yellow and blue are dead soon ---------- 3.14159: you will protect Panic ---------- 3.14159: and take 1 and 2 ---------- PanicSwitch: yellow im going over to fight red ok? ---------- PanicSwitch: u have 1st place ---------- 58: panic ---------- 58: you don't stand a chance ---------- 58: lmao ---------- 3.14159: you had better kill purple off, yellow, before you die ---------- PanicSwitch: stfu bitch ########### ---------- PanicSwitch: dude... your chat pwn sucks ---------- PanicSwitch: come get it red ---------- PanicSwitch: u bitch ########## ---------- 3.14159: as i said at the beginning, yellow--they are a PGA cheating team ---------- 58: shut teh fuck up. ########## ---------- PanicSwitch: im going to fight red ---------- 58: you're a huge chat jerk. reported pussy ########### ---------- PanicSwitch: wtf! ---------- 3.14159: you can only beat purple now ---------- 58: lol ---------- PanicSwitch: i flagged asshole ########### ---------- 58: you lose purpl ---------- PanicSwitch: beybi ---------- 3.14159: but yellow: beating one of them is the same as beating both of them ---------- 3.14159: that is the downside to PGA cheating ---------- 3.14159: if you don't take 1 and 2 you lost ---------- 58: lol ---------- 58: frustrated that you got wiped out and i'm taking $1 ---------- 58: #1 ---------- 58: so you start making up rules ---------- PanicSwitch: you are Full On Frustrated ---------- 3.14159: you mad 58? ---------- 3.14159: you caring about what i say? ---------- 3.14159: entertained? ---------- 3.14159: you seem mad ---------- 3.14159: oh, nooooooo ---------- 58: you're actually delusional. i'm sorry dude ---------- 3.14159: they lsot ---------- 3.14159: lost ---------- 58: shit. i feel as though i've lost ---------- PanicSwitch: sorry i can't read your messages because i'm going through my daily routine of jacking off to hugh laurie ########## ---------- 3.14159: if i am delusional why do you keep interacting with me? wow huh? ---------- 3.14159: no, 58--you HATE this ---------- 3.14159: simple ---------- 58: because it's fun to poke fun at the demented fuckrod ########## ---------- PanicSwitch: what does he hate exactly ########### ---------- 3.14159: he hates being called a chat jerk and PGA cheater ########## ---------- 3.14159: he wants to do it but not be called it ########## ---------- 3.14159: simple ---------- PanicSwitch: yeah you are harassing him ########## [Note: And PanicSwitch 'reported' me on the Forum>Discussion page.] ---------- 58: i hate it so much. nothing pisses me off more than kdice.com cheating accusations ---------- 3.14159: is this too tough for you? ---------- PanicSwitch: i'm gonna report you to a mod ---------- 3.14159: Panic is slow ---------- 3.14159: he doesn't understand ---------- 58: i thought he was the smart one ---------- 3.14159: i thought so too ---------- 58: shit -- we're both slow. fuck ########## ---------- 3.14159: i may have been wrong ---------- 3.14159: where to now boys? ---------- Lucky Loser: fag ---------- Rackers: WTF ---------- PanicSwitch: fag ---------- 3.14159: are you mad, Lucky? ---------- 3.14159: Panic is mad ---------- 3.14159: is Lucky? ---------- PanicSwitch: um ---------- 3.14159: good one! ---------- PanicSwitch: there exists a problem ---------- Lucky Loser: lol ---------- PanicSwitch: you will be -chat/play soon. . . i posted a thread about it ---------- 3.14159: sure ---------- PanicSwitch: then you won't be able to play 118 games in half of a month anymore ---------- PanicSwitch: i'm gunna go ---------- PanicSwitch: peace out ---------- PanicSwitch has left ---------- 3.14159: don't be upset Panic ---------- 3.14159: he IS mad ---------- Lucky Loser: okay ---------- Lucky Loser: as i was saying ---------- Lucky Loser: so ---------- 3.14159: okay you ARE mad, Lucky? ---------- Lucky Loser: how are you doing ---------- Lucky Loser: shut up pie cunt ########## [Note: Lucky Loser speaks!] ---------- Lucky Loser: no one is talking to you ---------- 3.14159: oh, the chat jerk speaks ---------- 3.14159: consistent isn't he? ---------- Lucky Loser: brown players need to learn that they are not important. i wonder if they all act like this ---------- 3.14159: Lucky IS mad ---------- 3.14159: wow ---------- 3.14159: they pretend they don't care ---------- 3.14159: but they HATE this ---------- 3.14159: right Lucky--you HATE this ---------- Lucky Loser: sure ---------- 3.14159: you hate being called what you are ---------- Lucky Loser: what's this ---------- 3.14159: see? ---------- Lucky Loser: i'll bite ---------- Lucky Loser: what are you implying ---------- 3.14159: implying? ---------- 3.14159: you are a chat jerk and a convicted PGA cheater ---------- 3.14159: i thought that was clear ---------- Lucky Loser: i was supposed to understand that from "this?" ---------- Peridot: shut your pie hole ---------- Peridot: get it???? ---------- Peridot: BAHAHAHAHA ---------- 3.14159: ah, you have no memory of what happened earlier? ok ---------- 3.14159: your friends are chat jerks and PGA cheats--you are a PGA cheat and chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: you run in packs, i suppose
rtgsth on Saturday November 24, 2012
3.14159: and my question: French is a race? Vincent Cassel: 3.14159: rudeness = French Vincent Cassel: SIT 2 SECS PLS 3.14159: you know very well that the world thinks of the French as being rude 3.14159: you are just adding to the stereotype by fulfilling it robbyflo is here KT14 is here 3.14159: don't be a chat jerk, Vincent, and it will help all French people everywhere ---racist bully patronizing troll---
Vincent Cassel on Friday November 9, 2012
This guy needs to get his pecker out of his pie!
boatracer on Tuesday November 6, 2012
Actually honours flags.
g00b1 on Monday November 5, 2012
dude is totally crazy, talks to himself in chatbox
Louis Stab Balfo on Wednesday October 17, 2012
game i plaed with u ,you flagged in round three then u were being a chat jerk to me ........ so u r going against what u say u stand for ok so dont post the one game u did something right if all the others you do the wrong
moneymaker$$ on Thursday October 11, 2012
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary